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Thread: [SOLVED] displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

    [SOLVED] displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    Ubuntu does not detect my monitor automatically.

    Its Viewsonic 17 inch, widescreen.

    The resolution is 1280x720.

    displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete in Ibex, Which package do I use?

    Please help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    you may have to manually edit xorg, i knew this might happen with some people.
    here is hoping more options are made into the scren resolutions app in Jaunty...
    For now i can only suggest going back to hardy, or if you want to keep current use Mint as it has a semi rolling release now
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    So, there is no way Ibex could detect my monitor?

    I cannot afford a fresh installation again now.

    Please suggest an alternative
    Last edited by adityakavoor; November 1st, 2008 at 06:17 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    Quote Originally Posted by adityakavoor View Post
    So, there is no way Ibex could detect my monitor?

    Yeh unless you manually configure stiff.
    It was really a stupid idea to get rid of displayconfig without the improvements we were promised for jaunty.
    I think it should be put back into the repositories, but it wont happen.
    Like i said if its that much of an issue change distos, Mandriva and mint are good suggestions.
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  5. #5
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    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    Like i said if its that much of an issue change distos, Mandriva and mint are good suggestions.
    No way, I am not leaving Ubuntu.

    Hardy re-install is what I would be doing it I don't find a solution in 24 hrs.

  6. #6
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    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    Quote Originally Posted by adityakavoor View Post
    No way, I am not leaving Ubuntu.

    Hardy re-install is what I would be doing it I don't find a solution in 24 hrs.
    Well if you use mint it will still be ubuntu, as Mint uses the same repositories and base as ubuntu.
    Plus you will have access to more recent packages, like firefox 3.0.3.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    Why on earth would one change to another distribution just because there's no tool to perform the one-off resolution configuration for broken monitors!? That is a ridiculous suggestion.

    See the appropriate section of our X configuration documentation for how to set it up manually.

    Your incorrect Linux Mint suggestions are also unwelcome - Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 have Firefox 3.0.3, and Linux Mint is not Ubuntu.
    William Grant
    Ubuntu Developer

  8. #8
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    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    Quote Originally Posted by wgrant View Post
    Why on earth would one change to another distribution just because there's no tool to perform the one-off resolution configuration for broken monitors!? That is a ridiculous suggestion.

    See the appropriate section of our X configuration documentation for how to set it up manually.

    Your incorrect Linux Mint suggestions are also unwelcome - Ubuntu 8.04 and 8.10 have Firefox 3.0.3, and Linux Mint is not Ubuntu.
    But one should not have to configure it manually, I thought the goal was to make the user experience in Ubuntu easy.
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  9. #9
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    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    Quote Originally Posted by SunnyRabbiera View Post
    But one should not have to configure it manually, I thought the goal was to make the user experience in Ubuntu easy.
    That is correct. However, we didn't have time to fit this support into gnome-display-properties this release. People who have this issue (mainly caused by buggy hardware) can perhaps stay with Ubuntu 8.04 for now, or add the whopping three lines to xorg.conf.
    William Grant
    Ubuntu Developer

  10. #10
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    Jun 2005

    Re: displayconfig-gtk is now obsolete. Help needed

    Quote Originally Posted by wgrant View Post
    That is correct. However, we didn't have time to fit this support into gnome-display-properties this release. People who have this issue (mainly caused by buggy hardware) can perhaps stay with Ubuntu 8.04 for now, or add the whopping three lines to xorg.conf.
    well for you even though its just a few lines a lot of newcommers are going to be scared away because you have to add those lines to begin with.
    I think that there should have been at least a transition package or something for beginners who want more recent packages but those who dont want to manually edit stuff just to get it working.
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