Setting up Midisport Uno, Midisport 1x1, or Midisport 2x2, USB-2-Midi
The Midisport Uno is a usb-based cable that connects a midi controller (like a synthesizer) to a usb port on your computer. Then you can use a midi sequencer like Rosegarden to record and edit music scores. A while back, I didn't have a sound card that had midi ports, so I just purchased a Midisport Uno instead. The advantage to the using a Midisport is that you don't need a special sound card for midi devices, and can connect them to any computer that has a free usb input.
If your device does not auto-magically work out of the box, setting this device up for Linux is not that tricky. The Midisport Uno requires firmware to be loaded to the device before it will do anything. In other words, you need (a) a firmware file, and (b) a program for loading the firmware.
Install the midisport-firmware package (firmware is included in package).
If you prefer the graphical interface, go to:
Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center
And search for midisport. You should see the package named "midisport-firmware." Click install.
Or, you can install the firmware by running this command in a terminal:
sudo apt-get install midisport-firmware
Now plug in the USB cable and you should be good to go (you should see pulsing lights).
That's it. ENJOY!
If you have an older/alternate version of Linux, there are more how-to's below which may work:
This is a HOWTO for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope)
I'll give two ways to set this up. The first method (in Section I) should be easiest. The second method (in Section II) will almost always work if the first does not.
Section I.
First install the midisport-firmware package (firmware is included in package). You can run:
sudo apt-get install midisport-firmware
Now you will need to create a configuration file (that defines the rules for recognizing the device and loading the firmware).
You can create/edit this file by running:
gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-midisport-firmware.rules
Then paste the following code:
# midisport-firmware.rules - udev rules for loading firmware into MidiSport devices
# MidiSport 1x1
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0763", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1010", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -s /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport1x1.ihx -D %N"
# MidiSport 2x2
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0763", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1001", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -s /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport2x2.ihx -D %N"
# KeyStation
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0763", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1014", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -s /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportKS.ihx -D %N"
# MidiSport 4x4
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0763", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1020", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -s /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport4x4.ihx -D %N"
# MidiSport 8x8
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0763", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1031", ATTRS{bcdDevice}=="0110", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -s /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport8x8-2.10.ihx -D %N"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0763", ATTRS{idProduct}=="1031", ATTRS{bcdDevice}=="0121", RUN+="/sbin/fxload -s /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSportLoader.ihx -I /usr/share/usb/maudio/MidiSport8x8-2.21.ihx -D %N"
# vim: ft=conf
Then save the file, it should force the rules to reload.
Then plug in device and you should see flashing lights. This means that the firmware has loaded and you are in business.
Tip borrowed from post #59.
Special Notes on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex, 8.04 Hardy Heron
A config file exists, but is broken. The same steps above will work, or you can edit the existing file with:
gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/*-midisport-firmware.rules
Special Notes on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon
Looks like the only difference between the gutsy and the ibex file is the SUBSYSTEM string is matching on "usb_device" instead of "usb". So I used a wildcard in the conf to match both patterns. The same patch should work for both systems.
For more info see post #39, #41
Section II. -- Alternate Instructions
If the above instructions do not work, try these below... this is not the easiest method, but it will almost always work.
See post #60:
Section III.
Configuring Rosegarden and Your Keyboard
In Rosegarden, goto:
Studio -> Manage Midi Devices
I selected my midisport as the playback and record option. (I use my synthesizer for generating sound rather than my cheap sound card.)
Note, if you hear phase shifting when recording, or choppy playback, you probably need to turn off the local control on the keyboard.