Very imortant!
Thanks (again) to Madscientist159 the "official" and compatible KDE3 repository is online and ready.
Here the steps to install KDE3 into Intrepid.
(A) If you never installed KDE3 into Intrepid
Open your apt sources.list
kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
And add the following lines at the end of the file:
#KDE3 Intrepid PPA
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kb9vqf/ubuntu intrepid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kb9vqf/ubuntu intrepid main
Save and exit the file. Then do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop-kde3
You'll get a bunch of packages to install, choose y (there is not verification on PPA repositories). When the installation finish, reboot your machine, at the kdm logon choose KDE3 as session.
(B) If you had installed KDE3 previously following the guide below, do this
Copy your configs:
sudo cp -R ~/.kde ~/.kde3
Reboot your machine and login into Gnome
Open your apt sources.list
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Remove (if exists) these lines:
deb http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/ intrepid main
deb-src http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/ intrepid main
and add these lines at the end of the file:
#KDE3 Intrepid PPA
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kb9vqf/ubuntu intrepid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/kb9vqf/ubuntu intrepid main
Save and exit the file. Then do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2a gdebi gdebi-core kdebase-data
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop-kde3
You'll get a bunch of packages to remove/install, choose y (there is not verification on PPA repositories). When the installation finish, reboot your machine, at the kdm logon choose KDE3 as session.
The KDE3 repositories are offline now.
Madscientist159 and Kubuntu Team are working to provide official KDE3 packages/repo for Kubuntu Intrepid.
Please be patient.
Thanks to everyone.
I switched to Kubuntu Intrepid from Hardy and I kept KDE 3 because, in my opinion, KDE 4 is not ready to day-by-day pc operations.
This is not a post against KDE 4, so please do not start flame war about KDE.
I understand at large the reasons why Kubuntu team make the decision to switch the WM into KDE 4 and to do not include KDE 3 anymore; in my view this is a simply wrong decision, but it's ok.
Anyway, because I like very much *ubuntu philosophy and KDE, I found a way to continue to use my distribution at the ultimate release (Intrepid) with my favorite (at the moment) WM, KDE 3.
First of all I must say a big thanks to Madscientist159 that, without his precious works, the solution to use KDE 3 into Intrepid was not possible. Again, Madscientis159, in the full sense of *ubuntu community, invest his time and knowledge into this possibility.
I did the following steps personally, but I do not guarantee that this will work for you, but if I can I'll try to help you.
Please follow the steps indicated if you are a quite experienced user of the system.
The upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid
When you are still in Hardy install Gnome environment
sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop
Reboot your machine and log into Gnome
Open a terminal window and do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist upgrade
Accept the updates if any.
Download on your desktop my source list file sources.txt (available at the end of the post); the repositories in the sources.txt are the official one from Ubuntu; then do:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/sources.txt /etc/apt/sources.list
Then upgrade the system from Hardy to Intrepid:
To upgrade from Ubuntu 8.04, press Alt+F2 and type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes) into the command box. Update Manager should open up and tell you: New distribution release '8.10' is available. Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.
(I did not make the command above to upgrade, but I used apt-get, the comand above is the official one anyway)
At the end of installation reboot your machine and log into Gnome. Now you are in Intrepid
Install KDE 3 into Intrepid
Attention! Install KDE 3 will REMOVE official Kubuntu KDE 4
Open the sources.list file
gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
And add the following lines (the Madscientist159 repository) at the end and save/close the file:
Add GPG to the repository:
Then do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install kde3
Reboot your machine and log into KDE; now you are in KDE 3 in Intrepid
Fix KDM login window
sudo ln -s /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/Krystal/ /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu
Remove kde applet for network-manager (is not working)
sudo apt-get remove knetworkmanager network-manager-kde
Add nm-applet of Gnome into KDE
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nm-applet ~/.kde/Autostart/nm-applet
Probably you must reconfigure kicker (KDE app bar and some stuff in kcontrol like fonts and style), if you had previously (in Hardy) installed compiz+emerald the configuration will be kept intact.
Reboot to get your networking works under KDE
Basically now you have finished, just add Medibutu repositories
Accept the updates if any.
Do you still want KDE 4?
You can use the Nightly Neon ppa repositories (no GPG for authenticated packages)
Open sources.list
kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list
And add the following lines at the end of the file, then save/close the file:
###Amarok2 & KDE4 Nightly Neon!!
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu intrepid main
Then do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install kde-nightly
Reboot the machine. Now you can choose 3 WM at the login window:
* KDE 3
* KDE 4 (Nightly)
* Gnome
That's it. Good luck!