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Thread: Forum DO'S and DON'T's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Manchester, UK

    Forum DO'S and DON'T's

    After a request in Forum Feedback & Help, this sticky has been created.



    1) Respect other users
    2) Post in a polite manner
    3) Try to help wherever possible
    4) Not forget to enjoy yourself
    5) Use the report button for violations of the CoC/Spam
    6) Use descriptive thread titles & be descriptive about your problem
    7) Read all these DO's & DON'T's
    8) Avoid using terms like "M$, Microshaft" etc.
    9) Avoid double posting whenever an edit will do
    10) Read the stickies.
    11) Search to see if there's already a solution
    13) Try to follow up your thread with a solution or a fix if you found one. Chances are that it will be useful to others.
    14) Mark your thread as [SOLVED] - this can be done from Thread Tools of threads you start


    1) Insult other member(s)
    2) Try to circumvent the language filter using *'s and numbers etc.
    3) Tell others to "RTFM" or such other comments
    4) Create multiple threads on the same subject (even in different sub-forums)
    5) Make posts like
    I'd help if I knew the answer
    6) Spam the forums!!!
    7) Use txt lng in ur postz no1 likez 2 read it
    8) Bump your posts too often (around once every 24 hours is recommended)
    9) PM people with support requests, start a thread so everybody benefits
    10) Start a DIGG thread, link to UF and start a UF thread linking back to the DIGG thread. Please keep the whole thing on DIGG
    11) Ask to be staff.
    12) Post how to allow root logins

    Following those should see you right in the forums, but do note that they are only a shortened version of the full Code of Conduct
    Last edited by Elfy; April 5th, 2013 at 04:31 PM. Reason: Added additional thread link


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