I would like to add a free open source 2d fantasy pvp(sometimes) mmorpg how do I plan to implement this 1.get a very large understanding of networking and python. 2.get an interested determined group of amiture like myself programmers(sorry I am not asking for the pros help at all unless you are also interested) 3.No high end opengl major graphic or high end sound scripting a basic 2d mmorpg. 4.register this project through launchpad. positions available head designer(main game creator along with myself) PYGAME programmer Which i am also going to be able to help with. SERVER SET UP guy (since i have to admit i am not very knowledgable of or atleast not as much as i should) Graphic designer Sound designer Debugger Wild card(kinda fills in any open positions) Program assistants * 4(to help the main programmer) Text/font editor(since the game needs a custom font) Site manager Site hoster just host the main game site off your comp or sub domain) windows tester(testes and debugs windows ver.) Time estimate to get alpha running on the internet maybe 1yr, beta another 6 months. and full version 2 yrs although this is a rather tight time schedule but if all goes well i know this will turn out well.
Last edited by bribaetz; July 2nd, 2008 at 03:29 AM. Reason: um forgot to say im also registering on pygames website "http://www.pygame.org"
I Can Do The Site Manager! I Am Always Ready For Updating Things This Is What I Need To Give Me A Job! Message ME On Syrnia To Reply K!
Even though I'm usually against reinventing the wheel and etc... I'm in. I'm relative confident with Python, allready read "Python for Beginners" from O'Reilly and "Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame" (Don't buy it, it's not worth the paper it is printed on, it's missing a lot of Pygame specific things.) and I'd like to deepen my "Bookknowledge" by using it. I have a job so I don't have much time for the project but I'll love to use some of my free-time for that. Did you allready open up a Launchpad project for this? I think we first need to do a rather lenghty designing-phase so we need something like a wiki-page on Launchpad where everyone can post what he thinks is needed. Also this should be my thousands post, if this is a Support Area. Yup it is. EDIT: Oh! Forgot to tell that I'm also in a D&D group so I have some slightly deeper knowledge of RPG's inner workings.
Last edited by Steveway; July 2nd, 2008 at 10:34 PM.
I just love it when you're being sarcastic --aks44 How to use IDJC together with Skype!
well um im glad i almost have a full team now i just need a site to have meetings on edit:no i read launchpad is not for my project "yet" so um no i did open a pygame page tho http://www.pygame.org/project/802/?release_id=1381#
Last edited by bribaetz; July 3rd, 2008 at 02:40 AM. Reason: adding
Thank God It Being Made (LOL) I Put MY Support
Count me in!
Meow Meow Meow Meow - Super Cat
Are you sure, you want to do this in python and from scratch? I'd recommend looking for whats available first. On top of my mind, I'd suggest having a look at this stuff from threerings. A bit complicated to use IMHO, but saves a lot of work. Plus, there are a lot of tools already available for it, e.g. their world editor or my graphics editor.
Originally Posted by onyxbits Are you sure, you want to do this in python and from scratch? I'd recommend looking for whats available first. On top of my mind, I'd suggest having a look at this stuff from threerings. A bit complicated to use IMHO, but saves a lot of work. Plus, there are a lot of tools already available for it, e.g. their world editor or my graphics editor. That's a whole different type of program. You're suggesting using parts of a java-based browser-online-game while this thread is about a standalone python-based mmorpg.
Well, I have absolutely no relevant experience in coding (besides a java course I took my first summer semester and withdrew from b/c I was also taking phys and calc courses), but I'd be willing to learn. I'm going to have to get credits for programming next year anyway. My question is though, how common is python? I will almost certainly need a different language when I actually get into grad and doc stuff in the future (I'd imagine you end up using some pretty specialized stuff, though I haven't really looked into it) but is it a good language to start on (assuming one's relatively intelligent)? Meaning is it a good base to give you understanding of programming. How does it relate to, for instance, C++? Until I learn enough programming to do some basic tasks, however, I'd be more than willing to help w/ website updates, forum moderation, wiki updates, etcetera. Also any testing that needs to be done And if you want any dialogue or story to it, I love to write and could draw up some stuff for you to look at (just because I love to write and breeze through english courses doesn't mean I'm actually good at it I've rarely had people read novels or short stories I was working on, though I usually get good comments when I do). I think I could definately write up a good storyline for a mmo, that is if you wish to incorporate one (I think, if you make a good game where the players really affect the world, where they can really make something out of themselves and make a difference, a rolling storyline with updates every week or so would be pretty neat, just to let newbs and ppl who've taken breaks keep up on the game world. And if written as short fiction instead of news updates (you could have a news ticker on the website as well, of course ) that element might attract people who would otherwise not look into such a project. At least draw bored scifi/fantasy (or whatever it is) readers to the site, increasing ad revenue. But then all of that would take a large number of writers and a very intelligent program tracking the game that could catch important events (powerful characters being attacked, castles or building or whatever being taken over, robberies, arsons, whatever) and then record that for the writers to look up Then flesh out quite a bit. It'd be a bit tough. Still, though, a news bulletin or ingame paper would be neat. That is if we're talking about a complex game here. I know you said it would not be graphically complex, but how about internally? For that matter, what's the theme? May I suggest zombie apocalypse? Let's say it's a shooting/magic game (b/c that kinda thing looks cool as hell in top down graphics) just for the sake of the example. When you fire your gun, does it go x distance and then stop like many shooters? Or does it go the realistic distance of that gun and that projectile at the angle it was aimed before hitting the ground? Or is it in between, going forever but perhaps losing damage the further it goes? Do you simply select your target and select the attack (maybe having the option of using certain shooting skills like headshot, heartshot, kneecap, etc) or do you actually use your mouse to fire as you move around with the keyboard? Or, even better, do you use your mouse to fire and your mousewheel to select shot types and then put the reticle on to make the shot (otherwise it does a simple straight shot). Do you simply try to get better loot and level up, or do you try to acquire (or simply occupy ) property, set up clans which become towns which become nations, etc etc. Does the beginner's .308 rifle with a standard frangible round do the same damage as the top level rifleman's .308 rifle with a standard frangible round? Guess I'm asking, are you making the graphics simple b/c you want this to be easy to do, or are you making the graphics simple because you want to make the gameplay EPIC? Either way I'm interested, but if the second then schweet. Oh, and may I again suggest zombie apocalypse? Such an awesome setting for a realistic (even if top down) very fun mmorpg. Sounds like an awesome project man. Even if you don't need my help I'll probably be keeping my eye on it. I always loved the look of top down shooter/defense games and wondered why someone didn't take advantage of that to make a badass mmo.
Well to get this started we need to know what needs to be done on the server-side and on the client-side. Ok, to make this easy we think of what needs to be done on both ends in a fictional setup. There is propably a lot missing but lets see: 1. User starts program and needs to enter username and password. - The client needs to calculate a hash for that and sends it to the server. - The server checks if the username is in the database and if the password is correct, if the answer is yes then it checks if the person is allready logged in. If that also proves to be ok it generates a hash for this session and sends it back with an ok and needed informations like X and Y Position, all stats of the player and possible more, otherwise it either sends an : User not in database, Password incorrect or User allready logged in. The server sets the status of that user to logged in and saves it's IP and the session-hash. - The client now starts to load the level if it has the needed level on the harddrive, otherwise it sends a message to the server containing the actual session-hash and a request for level-data of the level in question. The server now checks if the session-hash is valid and if that is correct it sends the needed data. After the download the client loads the level and hopefully displayes it on the screen. I think this is everything we need to do for the Login-system. If you think there is something more needed for that then go on and tell us, and if you want to do this for other parts of the game then please go ahead. The faster we can get this theoretical stuff done the faster we can start to put this in written code.
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