I still buy CD's
Online music store (Specify which store in your post.)
P2P (Limewire, emule, etc.)
Other (Specify in post)
Recently, I've been looking into online music stores, and it got me wondering... where do you guys get your music? As for me, I still buy an occasional CD if I can't find it online, and I just subscribed to emusic. (No DRM. Main reason I decided on them.)
Last edited by Kujen; March 15th, 2007 at 08:37 AM.
At my local independent record store no DRM nonsense and they need the business.I think it's kind of sad that local record stores are becoming a thing of the past.
i like to buy cds since i'm addicted to jpop, i have no choice but ordering actual cds online
linux user #425817 ubuntu user #7337
Originally Posted by kanpachi i like to buy cds since i'm addicted to jpop, i have no choice but ordering actual cds online Ouch, that has to cost you a fortune. I like the occasional jpop too, but I have a hard time spending $35+ to import a single cd.
I only buy CDs. I have a lot of LPs, too, so I convert those over to FLAC.
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i prefer good ol' cds. i never download digital music unless its a ringtone for my phone. the reason why i prefer to buy cds is that i like to have something tangible for my money and i like to read the lyrics whilst i'm listening to the music.
For some reason, most/all of the "big" music that can actually be bought in CD form doesn't interest me. It just isn't my kind of music. So I hang around at places like iiichan.net, and listen to 'amateur' music and similar; this is always free music. The guys who make it just do it for fun and put the music right there for you to download. I also listen to bands like "ninjabox"; they're a cool band who put their music on their site for you to download as you like. This isn't because I hate paying for music or anything. It's just, the stuff which is commercially available just doesn't interest me at all.
LPs if I can get them at a good RPM and not played very much. My favorite place to go is a small electronic gizmo shop (sort of like a fleamarket) with a very eclectic source of underground/bootleg/import selections. The shop inside a shop is an unlisted word-of-mouth only place keen to the likes of DJs and similar mantre. I've found pre-day release wax trax and mashup mixes at this place. The bloke who runs the shop won't sell any music with an RIAA label so my selections go towards profiting the correct group. I can sample anything I like before I buy it, and the guy will even sell a single song (DRM free) in digital form of my liking. He prefers FLAC and ogg, but will do mp3 and refuses to offer WMA due to quality. The lossless tracks are an extra twenty-five cents but worth it if you mix. I highly recommend finding a shop like this one... get back into the music before the RIAA pwn3d it.
Ubuntu User #11619 | Linux User #441422 Gnome-Shell User
have a look at magnatune. they are a nice record label. you can preview all the music at full quality. you can buy it in a range of formats (download and CD) (and choose the price). the contracts with the artists are non-exclusive. 50% of sales revinue goes to the musicians. Feisty's rhythmbox with have the magnatune music store available as a plug in (or cheat and get rhythmbox 0.9.7 or greater from somewhere (i dont think it is in backports but getdeb have it)). I think amarok might have it as well.
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Originally Posted by ssam have a look at magnatune. they are a nice record label. you can preview all the music at full quality. you can buy it in a range of formats (download and CD) (and choose the price). the contracts with the artists are non-exclusive. 50% of sales revinue goes to the musicians. Feisty's rhythmbox with have the magnatune music store available as a plug in (or cheat and get rhythmbox 0.9.7 or greater from somewhere (i dont think it is in backports but getdeb have it)). I think amarok might have it as well. Isn't that the one in amarok too? If so, the last time I checked, they had an almost non-existant selection to choose from, unfortunately. (Edit: Yeah I just noticed you mentioned amarok too.)
Last edited by Kujen; March 15th, 2007 at 09:57 AM.
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