Updated Link for Enlightenment install Thread.
I thought I would create a new post on the installation of Enlightenment E17 (DR17) on Ubuntu.
The installation of Enlightenment E17 sited in this thread uses the repositories created by the Elbuntu team. Special thanks goes out to all of the Elbuntu developers for taking the time to package E17 for Ubuntu and making the repositories available to the community.
More information on the Elbuntu project can be found here.
Now lets begin the installation process for E17.
Lets make sure our system is up to date.
In a terminal run the following command.
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude upgrade
Next we will add the needed repository for E17 to our apt sources list.
In a terminal copy and past the following command.
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
There are three repositories available, with available packages for Dapper Drake, Edgy Eft, and Feisty Fawn, "edevelop.org" and "e17.dunnewind.net". Add one of the following repositories to the end of your apt sources list.
Dapper Drake repositories
## E17 repository "edevelop.org"
deb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu dapper e17
deb-src http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu dapper e17
## E17 Repository "e17.dunnewind.net"
deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu dapper e17
deb-src http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu dapper e17
Edgy Eft repositories
## E17 repository "edevelop.org"
deb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu edgy e17
deb-src http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu edgy e17
## E17 Repository "e17.dunnewind.net"
deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu edgy e17
deb-src http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu edgy e17
Feisty Fawn repositories
## E17 repository "edevelop.org"
deb http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu feisty e17
deb-src http://edevelop.org/pkg-e/ubuntu feisty e17
## E17 Repository "e17.dunnewind.net"
deb http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu feisty e17
deb-src http://e17.dunnewind.net/ubuntu feisty e17
Save and close gedit.
Add the key.
wget http://lut1n.ifrance.com/repo_key.asc
sudo apt-key add repo_key.asc
Install Enlightenment E17
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install e17
Log out of Gnome. Select session in your log in manager. Enlightenment should be listed. Select Enlightenment as your session and log in.
Please Read Before Posting With Installation Problems
If you encounter dependency errors when installing E17, please check for the presence of an /etc/apt/preferences file. If you are using an apt preferences file, please check for pinning of any enlightenment packages. Please remove any reference to Enlightenment from your /etc/apt/preferences file if listed. Then run
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install e17
If problems with installing E17 still occur, then please post the output you recieve from apt in your post.
You can also contact Lutin or Sp4rKy on the Elbuntu IRC channel at irc.freenode.net with any problems you encounter with installation.
Thank you.