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Thread: HOWTO disable screensaver and powermanager while mplayer or other apps are running

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    HOWTO disable screensaver and powermanager while mplayer or other apps are running

    I have written a small python daemon to disable gnome-screensaver and gnome-powermanager while certain specified apps are running.
    It works quite well on Ubuntu Edgy. It requires dbus (>= 0.93), python-dbus, and obviously gnome-screensaver and gnome-powermanager (on gnome 2.16).
    The idea is simple: I have seen how Totem is working, and I emulate its behavior with a small python daemon.
    To install it just copy "" in /usr/local/bin, fix its execute permissions and create a simple config file in your homedir "~/.disablegss". In this config file add every application name that could stop gnome-screensaver, one for each line. Example:

    Please notice you must insert the name of the app how you can see it on 'ps aux': for example if you want to add firefox, you must write a line with "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin".
    Now just launch on a terminal or simply add it on your session!
    You can change the config file on fly (I check if someone modify it), adding or removing apps without restarting it.

    Unfortunately the dbus and gnome development documentation are a bit outdated, so I have read totem sources to view which methods are called to stop gnome-screensaver and gnome-powermanager. The idea is if you call the Inhibit method of gnome-screensaver, you disable the screensaver AND the powermanager. To enable them again you must call the UnInhibit method. There is a small terminal app, dbus-send, to comunicate with dbus but it doesn't work well with these methods, so I decide to use the python dbus interface. This is my first program in python so please tell me if something is wrong or not well coded!
    Every 60 secs the daemon check if there are apps running that are also present in the config file. If it's true, the screensaver is disabled. If someone change the config file, the daemon read it again.
    I don't think that this small daemon could run on Dapper: the dbus and gnome API change on every release. But you can modify it to fix things. There are only two lines that could be problematic:

    Line 38: cookie = dev.Inhibit(myprogram, 'Disabled by DisableGSS Daemon')
    Line 49: dev.UnInhibit(cookie)

    These two methos are different on gnome 2.14 on Dapper. Also dbus has radically changed. If you want to use on Dapper, find the right methods (try to see dapper totem sources) and feel free to change what you want!
    To do debug, I suggest you to launch on a terminal and dbus-monitor on another one (you can see all messages from and to dbus daemon). Also change the sleep time value in seconds (line 121) to debug it faster.
    Happy coding!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Winnipeg, MB, Canada
    Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy

    Re: HOWTO disable screensaver and powermanager while mplayer or other apps are runnin

    great, will try it after I update, this problem has plagued me under windows and the vlc devs have ignored the bugs I have submitted.

    Proud to be registered Linux user #422854

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: HOWTO disable screensaver and powermanager while mplayer or other apps are runnin

    Thank you very much. Works fine for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: HOWTO disable screensaver and powermanager while mplayer or other apps are runnin

    Wow, thanks a lot for this. Solves a really annoying problem with mplayer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Good job.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: w00t

    Thanks for the effort, appreciated.
    Previously known as 23meg

  7. #7
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    Kubuntu Development Release

    Re: HOWTO disable screensaver and powermanager while mplayer or other apps are runnin

    Quote Originally Posted by iggee85 View Post
    Wow, thanks a lot for this. Solves a really annoying problem with mplayer.
    Yay now mplayer + screensaver can't break my damn monitor again (for the third time). Screensaver faded, I attempted to stop it... now that monitor looks like it got coated with 4 coats of clear black no matter what I do, and gamma adjust looks like hell. Broke a monitor at work a similar way, really weird. But enough ranting. Thanks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Saquarema - Brasil
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    Re: w00t

    Now, in Feisty Fawn Beta we have in the version MPlayer 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu8, the option to Stop XScreenSaver, in Preferences=>Misc of the gmplayer.
    It works, but when you press the stop button (of mplayer) appears a error message(of mplayer) in a small window that says: "gnome_screensaver_control" .
    Does anyone knows if is possible avoid this message (only occurs when I press the Stop Button of MPlayer, if I close it by pressing the "q" there is no error message)?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Jersey City, NJ, USA
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    Re: w00t

    Thanks a lot for this. This problem was frustrating me for ages and for some time I was forced to use totem. Now I can use VLC all the time and not have to worry about the screen saver popping up. I hope the gnome-screensaver developers will integrate this into the next version of gnome-screensaver or perhaps let users choose what programs need to run in order to halt gss. I would have thought the gss developers would have thought of this already but I guess they want everyone using totem

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: w00t

    Quote Originally Posted by neymac View Post
    Now, in Feisty Fawn Beta we have in the version MPlayer 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu8, the option to Stop XScreenSaver, in Preferences=>Misc of the gmplayer.
    Does Ubuntu use XScreenSaver by default?

    I'm still on Edgy and not sure if I changed things, but right now I don't think I use XSS: If I start mplayer with that option (it's already available in Edgy's mplayer package), I get:

    xscreensaver_disable: Could not find XScreenSaver window.

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