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Thread: goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

    Let's face it when ubuntu started it was a hope to become the new face of open source.
    But sadly from what I can tell ubuntu has become all that is bad about open source.
    No cohesion.
    So many forks you can't keep it strait
    Out dated documentation and relying on the community to document changes.
    Initiatives and requirements like sso for the forums (Just feels like ms, apple and goggles log into us for everything eye to the future)
    And the forums has all these problems in spades.

    Now I would not mind if ubuntu gave back as much as it could,(like Google) or if it supported established projects a lot.

    But I can no longer support or use ubuntu when I can see the road that's being followed for nothing more than a nice package on what is basically 98% others work and contributions.

    If I'm going to follow the chaos that is Linux I'm not going to give my support to ubuntu and the company that leads it.

    Thanks for what you have done in the past
    But try not to mess up the future for everyone.

    I'm off to delete my sso which is just as much fun and easy to use as was 10 years ago when all I needed was a user name and password.
    Expect now I'm sure it's used for tracking me online.
    I will not be back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

    You're asking for things that, IMO, can't and won't happen unless a single corporate vendor releases a Linux product that dominates just as much as Windows dominates. And that can't happen in open source.

    Unpaid community support, forks and fragmentation, chasing ways to monetize products that themselves cannot be offered in the retail chain are all aspects of the same culture you attack Canonical for abusing.

    (All I need to login here is a username and password.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Williams Lake
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

    This thread really has nothing to do with Forum problems, moved to ULOC

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Wherever needed
    Xubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver

    Re: goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

    well, looks like he left on his first cup.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Bristol, England
    Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Re: goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

    Posts like this always give me a good giggle.

    He makes points that are neither specific to Ubuntu or Canonical. Talking about "outdated" docs (has he ever seen Debian, Arch, OpenSUSE, Redhat, Gentoo docs?!). Ubuntu for the most part has kept the docs somewhat up-to-date.

    Talking of not supporting established projects (even though Ubuntu tends to push a lot more "mainstream" uses than say Fedora or openSUSE) Ubuntu houses a lot of projects, even though at times there is tension between the groups it always seems to be blown out of proportion. i.e Wayland vs Mir for example.

    Now I know he has left and all, but still rather funny that he tries to make points for leaving a community that are not specific or even focused on Ubuntu.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

    This seems like a Recurring Discussion.

    This forum has many 'Goodbye-Ubuntu-slam-the-door' threads like this.
    This forum also has many 'I'm-back-to-try-Ubuntu-again-and-I-really-like-it' threads.

    The OP is welcome to try Ubuntu again whenever they wish.
    The OP is also welcome, upon return, to contribute their effort to help Ubuntu cohesion and documentation.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Bristol, England
    Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Re: goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

    Quote Originally Posted by ian-weisser View Post
    This seems like a Recurring Discussion.

    This forum has many 'Goodbye-Ubuntu-slam-the-door' threads like this.
    This forum also has many 'I'm-back-to-try-Ubuntu-again-and-I-really-like-it' threads.

    The OP is welcome to try Ubuntu again whenever they wish.
    The OP is also welcome, upon return, to contribute their effort to help Ubuntu cohesion and documentation.
    Totally agree! That's what makes Ubuntu such a great place to stick around

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    ozarks, Arkansas, USA
    Xubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    Re: goodbye ubuntu, you just have to many issues

    Quote Originally Posted by ian-weisser View Post
    This seems like a Recurring Discussion.

    This forum has many 'Goodbye-Ubuntu-slam-the-door' threads like this.
    This forum also has many 'I'm-back-to-try-Ubuntu-again-and-I-really-like-it' threads.

    The OP is welcome to try Ubuntu again whenever they wish.
    The OP is also welcome, upon return, to contribute their effort to help Ubuntu cohesion and documentation.
    +10 .
    A lot of effort expended to keep the docs current:
    Any and all help to maintain the pages is welcome.

    bashing what is good
    is not good
    THE current(cy) in Documentation:

    Happy ubuntu'n !


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