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Thread: Sony VAIO only overheats with Ubuntu

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Unhappy Sony VAIO only overheats with Ubuntu

    Hi. I have a Sony VAIO laptop, and I have recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 with the windows installer. But for some reason it overheats pretty quickly and ends up shutting down. I have to run an actual fan under it to stop it :/
    But it doesn't do this when XP is running so I have no idea what to do.
    I'm completely new to Ubuntu btw, so I wont get any "normal" terminology you throw at me
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Sony VAIO only overheats with Ubuntu

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Sony VAIO only overheats with Ubuntu

    I'm new to Ubuntu too and I'm having this same problem; interested to know if you've made any progress?

    I'm using a Sony VAIO PCG-9L1M. It's a bit old, but like you said, it runs XP no problem. With Ubuntu 9.1 the fan kicks in almost immediately after startup, things start to get hot and eventually it crashes.

    In System Monitor it says that the CPU is constantly reaching 100%. Almost any application seems to spike it, including sytem monitor itself. I've searched the forum and found that maybe it's something to do with 'CPU Scaling'. I've tried using CPU frequency scaling monitor, but it tells me: CPU frequency scaling unsupported.

    I'm lost and not sure where to go from here, any help appreciated.

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