Please help the Canonical and Ubuntu leadership We are trying to gather preferences for the apps that users would like to see in upcoming version of Ubuntu. While we all believe in the power of open source applications we are also very keen that users should get to choose the software they want to use. There are some great apps that aren't yet available to Ubuntu users and Canonical would like to know the priority that users would like to see them. This list is indicative not definitive and we would love to also read your suggestions in the free text box. Please take the survey here: They are also requesting that anyone who has comments please do so here. Note: there has been some confusion that I would like to clear up--this is not about applications to be included by default, but merely things that we may attempt to make more easily available for Ubuntu users to install for themselves from official repositories.
Last edited by matthew; January 17th, 2010 at 11:15 PM.
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I've added boxee as a write in!
I was disappointed there wasn't an option for I don't know what this is or similar. I did not put much in although not a program I did put that a script for getting medibuntu and codecs would be a good idea
voted There were a few I wasn't familiar with, though. I googled around a bit for them, but I would have prefered a "not familiar with this program" or "no opinion" box to check, since my views on those programs are merely guesses on how I might feel about them. Yet, the way the survey is worded, these views are weighted the same as the others. It doesn't matter much in one case, of course, but it could lead to eventual biased results. Just a thought though.
what do you mean by "appear"? we already have skype!
Originally Posted by matthew Please help the Canonical and Ubuntu leadership We are trying to gather preferences for the apps that users would like to see in upcoming version of Ubuntu. While we all believe in the power of open source applications we are also very keen that users should get to choose the software they want to use. There are some great apps that aren't yet available to Ubuntu users and Canonical would like to know the priority that users would like to see them. This list is indicative not definitive and we would love to also read your suggestions in the free text box. Please take the survey here: They are also requesting that anyone who has comments please do so here. I was looking for the button marked "Focus on STABILITY not OMGSHINY!" but it wasn't there.
What does it mean by "The Ubuntu Platform"? Does it mean only Ubuntu, or GNU/Linux on the whole, or only Debian(and offspring)? And I don't understand. Do they intend on improving Wine with these applications, or making a deal with the companies to get them? And what use would Steam be without the games?
Voted. Gnome Do, it'd be a perfect addition.
I would like to see Google Chrome/Chromium available in the repositories, but I'm sure that's being worked on. I'm fine with using the PPA for now. I also agree however, that a "I don't know what this app is" should have been included as I've never heard of Boxee, Pandora, etc. You'll probably get skewed results for this. And since I didn't know what these apps were, what about links or short descriptions? Then I probably could have given you even more detailed answers. Lastly, I think multiple boxes for app submissions would have been grand, or explanation that you can type any number of apps you'd like to see, separated by a comma. Love the idea of the survey though. I appreciate the effort Canonical is putting into the community.
reading the help call on the main page of the forums made me think this would be a BIG survey... are you joking less than a page of questions? what kind of conclusions can you draw from this? the survey should have extra questions like: "would you like ubuntu to put more effort in including audio/video/internet/<$n> apps?" so that the questions could be cross-checked for random answers... and so on
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