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Thread: Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04

    I will soon be upgrading my Mac OS to Snow Leopard and have seen some posts around issues installing Snow Leopard. Particularly, the need for a 128mb immediately proceeding the Mac OS X partition. I dual boot Mac OS X and Ubuntu 9.04 using rEFIt on an intel iMac.

    So (being new to Ubuntu) I just wanted to check to see if the following approach is feasible and will not destroy either my current Mac OS X or Ubuntu 9.04 install.

    On the internal disk I currently have the following partitions:
    /dev/sda1 EFI 200Mb
    /dev/sda2 hfs+ (Mac partition) 256.88Gb
    /dev/sda3 linux_swap 9.76Gb
    /dev/sda4 ext3 /boot 31.25Gb

    The approach I was thinking of following is:

    1) Boot Ubuntu from live CD
    2) Run GPARTED and remove the linux-swap partition
    3) Create a new linux-swap partition (preceeded by 128Mb unallocated space)
    4) Boot the iMac and startup Ubuntu as normal!
    5) Make a backup copy of /etc/fstab
    6) do a blkid and note the UUID for the new linux-swap partition
    7) gedit /etc/fstab and change UUID to the value for the newly created linux-swap partition
    8) reboot the iMac and start up Ubuntu!

    I should now be running with the slightly reduced linux-swap partition but importantly now have 128Mb immediately following the Mac OS X partition!

    Then I should be able to install Snow Leopard!!!

    Does the above sound correct or have I missed something or is the whole idea wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Lytham St Anne's, England
    Ubuntu Mate 16.04 Xenial Xerus

    Re: Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04

    Seems like a good idea.

    It might be simpler to delete your existing Linux swap partition altogether. Let your Snow Leopard DVD do its job. Then let the Ubuntu installer create a new Linux swap partition. (Which will be identical to the last one).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04

    I did not want to run the Ubuntu installer again as I was under the impression that it would blow away my perfectly working Ubuntu 9.04 install...something which has taken me quite a few hours to complete!

    How can I run the Ubuntu installer again to create the new linux-swap partition without destroying all my other Ubuntu partitions?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Soviet Canuckistan
    Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

    Re: Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04

    Would shrinking the Mac partition by 128MB also work?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04


    you will get a

    "Mediakit reports no such partition"

    when trying to resize the OSX partition.

    I have yet to find the correct solution, I will post it here.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Snow Leopard and Ubuntu 9.04

    I was able to shrink my HFS+ partition with gparted w/o any such error or problems. I actually wished gparted could shrink and grow HFS+ partitions so I can have even more flexibility.


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