Linux Gaming News Blog Update from 05/01/2010 : Mystery of Solarus DX – Zelda Remake ! : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I would like to inform UbuntuForums visitors that I will no longer going to “popup” the LGN thread with updates (IF I’ll make the updates they will be only on the first post of the thread), I will however going to replay to questions/interesting posts. So if you don’t see the LGN thread on the front page, it doesn’t mean the blog wasn’t updated. You can bookmark LGN : Or follow it with RSS feeder : It's not fair that only LGN will have it's own thread at UF and all other wonderful Linux Gaming related websites don't - and if they would then it will spam the board .
Last edited by MaximB; January 5th, 2010 at 12:42 PM.
Linux Gaming News My Blog !!! Linux For Clinics
Excellent much easier to keep track of than a topic on this forum, and thanks for the link . Bookmarked! Edit > Added your link to here -
Last edited by ELD; August 16th, 2009 at 03:19 PM.
Linux Gaming News -> Gaming On - Get the latest news!
Originally Posted by ELD Excellent much easier to keep track of than a topic on this forum, and thanks for the link . Bookmarked! Edit > Added your link to here - Thanks But I got to warn you , several of my upcoming news will probably be taken from the posts I've made here and most people forgot about
Thats okay i have it live bookmarked so if i have seen them i won't be dissapointed heh.
well i'm fairly new to Ubuntu forum and i have no idea who u are but... Linux Gaming! whoo~ Bookmarked
ASUS EEE-pc 1001PI dont want to Live in a Life without Walls
MaximB, Added your blog to my google ig page. Also saw you chatting in #LGP about a future article. Keep up the good work.
-AKA SlickMcRunfast LXGC Game Night every Sunday. | AZLOCO
Originally Posted by Technophobia MaximB, Added your blog to my google ig page. Also saw you chatting in #LGP about a future article. Keep up the good work. Site updated with an article AND an interview (but those who follow my threads at Ubuntuforums might be disappointed as it's not so new). But I count that you already forgotten about this so it will be new for you Interviews : I indeed sent some questions to Michael from LGP - so once he answer them I'll put them there I warn you that it might take some time - my questions are difficult P.S I kinda new to wordpress and I have some minor difficulties to do what I want - if you are an expert and think you could help, P.M me or send me an email. Thanks.
Last edited by MaximB; August 18th, 2009 at 07:35 AM.
Just a note "In this page I will post only interviews I personally done." Should be "On this page I will post only interviews I have personally done." Just reads better Also it seems they asked you a question "Interesting. Which sites are those? Would you like us to add you to our press information list?" to which it seems you didn't respond? Edit -> Nevermind you answered it much later
Last edited by ELD; August 17th, 2009 at 11:13 AM.
Originally Posted by ELD Just a note "In this page I will post only interviews I personally done." Should be "On this page I will post only interviews I have personally done." Just reads better Also it seems they asked you a question "Interesting. Which sites are those? Would you like us to add you to our press information list?" to which it seems you didn't respond? Edit -> Nevermind you answered it much later Yeah this interview was done in parts... I published this at Ubuntuforums but I guess you forgot - exactly my point , it's old, but it's new for you !
Good to see you finally put your interest and energies to productive use! I like the article length, nice and descriptive, keep it up. Btw, when you do mention a Free game, let me know, and I'll link you.
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