I would get the newest source if I were you. Here is a direct link:
Extract this using the command:
$ tar -xvf wine-0.9.6.tar.bz2
Now you'll have the directory wine-0.9.6. THAT is the top directory in which you should put the patch files. I think what you had before was a directory called 'wine' that contained the directory 'wine-<version number>', and had the patch files in 'wine', while they should have been in 'wine-<version number>'.
One thing I left out is that there are a number of dependencies, packages that are needed for the compilation process, that need to be installed. The quickest way to do this is probably to run the command 'sudo apt-get build-deb wine'. This should grab all the dependencies that you will need to compile wine from source. I'll add that to the top post in the thread.
As for the NTFS partition, you may know that writing to an NTFS partition in Linux is experimental and not recommended as it can destroy data. Reading is fully supported though. I recommend, if you have the space, to make a copy of World of Warcraft on a Linux partition, or at least a FAT32 partition. The game will need to write a multitude of things (chat log files, macro definitions, and addon data files) so running it from an NTFS partition is probably asking for trouble.
Ubuntu by default gives only root the ability to read from NTFS drives. To learn how to change this so normal users have read access to NTFS drives, go to and read the section entitled: "How to mount Windows partitions (NTFS) on boot-up, and allow all users to read only."
Artificial Intelligence:
The HOWTO that you link to didn't work for me, that's why I thought I'd write this one up. The problem is that it involves using the pre-compiled wine package, which caused problems for me. Also, even if it otherwise works, you will not see targeting circles and surface effects in the game due to a bug in World of Warcraft opengl rendering. There is a sign error in the WoW code that causes targeting circles and the like to be rendered just BELOW the surface, as apposed to just ABOVE the surface. Shame on you Blizzard! The patches that I link to fix this (I think?) and other problems.
While getting the precompiled copy of wine is certainly the easiest way to install it, there is not (that I know of) a way to apply the necessary patching to the already compiled files. That's why the method I described starts with the source code. I tried to run WoW with the wine package, and had problems.