First off, I installed this on CrunchBang but it should work just the same on Ubuntu (as they're both Ubuntu). Also, this was my first time using CPan, so if there's any questions regarding that I'll try my best to answer but hopefully someone more knowledgeable about that could help.
Twirssi allows you to post to Twitter from as well as:
* Read your friend feed, and your replies (from people on and not on your feed).
* Receive and send direct messages (DMs)
* Use multiple accounts - follow, read and send
* See the context when your friends reply to users you aren't following
Before installing you'll need irssi (duh), Net::Twitter and WWW::Shorten::TinyURL.
Installing Irssi
Pretty simple:
sudo apt-get install irssi
I won't go into details on using irssi, but this guide should get ya goin' if you've never used it before.
Installing Net::Twitter
Open up a terminal and run
sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell
If it's your first time using cpan it'll ask you a few questions about configuring it. I just typed yes on the first question to let it configure itself, you can do whatever you'd like.
Once it's done loading you should see a cpan[1]>
Type the following: (each one being a seperate command)
reload index
install Net::Twitter
(I recommend typing yes to all the questions of installing other/required modules)
Installing WWW::Shorten::TinyURL
While still in CPan type:
install WWW::Shorten::TinyURL
This will shorten any url you give it before it tweets, so there's no command you need to use.
Installing Twirssi
Download the script:
Put it in either ~/.irssi/scripts or ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun. It should be easy to see what the difference is, but if not, scripts in /autorun load when irssi starts.
& setting it up
Open a terminal and type the following:
/window new hidden
/window name twitter
/script load ~/.irssi/scripts/autorun/ (or wherever you put it)
Twirssi should come up in the newly created twitter window. To have that window come up each time (allowing twirssi to autostart), type /layout save (note that this saves the layout of every window, so be sure to close private messages and unwanted channels first).
To login - /twitter_login username password
To tweet - /tweet yourstatus
To reply - /twitter_reply username:num
To set an account to automatically login type:
/twitter_usernames username
/twitter_passwords password
You can see a full list of the commands here
Edit; forgot a screenshot!
Hope this helps somebody.