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Thread: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Lightbulb New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    [Edited on Oct.20] Grdc's next major release is Remmina 0.7! Please read post #54.


    Hi Everyone,

    Grdc is a remote desktop client designed for GTK+ and Gnome.

    I recently started this new project. But I developed it in Debian and do not have an Ubuntu installation to test this. Could someone help to try it in Ubuntu?

    All information is available in this site.

    Hope you enjoy and thanks in advance!

    Last edited by llyzs; October 20th, 2009 at 02:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    Hi llyzs,
    thanks for the nice piece of software. The applet compiles but doesn't work. Grdc compiles and runs without any problems (I've checked only rdp, I don't have any vnc to test it, but this options is shown while connecting). It looks and works very nice. And the rd window in fullscreen is what I was waiting for (this drop down at the upper screen edge). I would suggest to add shortcuts for actions when connected and maybe some small banner with ie. host name in this upper menu indicating the current connection.

    Hardy, Gnome 2.20

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Adelaide, Australia
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    My findings.
    On 8:10 (Intrepid)
    Gnome: 2.24.1

    Compiles fine and runs fine. Panel applet works ok.

    This looks like a potential great piece of work, is there any way to save he configurations. I am asking as I use a few TS sessions to different servers every day so could use this a lot if that was possible.

    Keep up the good work !

    “Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    This is really nice. I've tried it on 9.04 Jaunty Alpha2, Gnome 2.25.3 and it works well.

    For the applet I've had to create the link from the readme and kill the panel, x-restart is not necessary.
    ln -s /usr/local/lib/bonobo/servers/Grdc_Applet.server /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/Grdc_Applet.server
    killall gnome-panel
    I like it already better than tsc and vinagre.
    If it had these things I would switch from vncviewer too:

    • start with a configered server from command line or launcher, to skip the applet,
      which is good for many servers, but just takes extra system resources if
      all you need is one or two servers
    • specify the initial window mode to not be forced to fullscreen
    • allow to change colors/compression during a session
    • clipboard support

    gregh, it saved my session, did you use quick connect?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    Now the applet works fine for me too I must oversee in the add applet window or creating the link helped.
    Once more, nice work!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    this needs to get in jaunty. i'll file a "needs packaging" report on launchpad ASAP.

    EDIT: here it is
    Last edited by zekopeko; January 6th, 2009 at 06:02 PM.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    Quote Originally Posted by marmuta View Post
    gregh, it saved my session, did you use quick connect?
    I thought after to try the "right click" and found the other menu - DOH!

    “Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”

  8. #8
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    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    llyzs, Congratulations for the project, I think it is taking the right path. Would be nice if there was any place to make feature request. I have some suggestions:
    automatic adjustment of the window when working in remote mode outside fullscreen; When you close the main window does not kill the sessions active; Resize in the percentage VNC sessions, similar to what is TightVNC; And somehow encrypt the passwords saved ...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    Thanks guys for your comments!

    To marmuta:
    o start with a configered server from command line or launcher: this is a supported feature in the current stable release, although it's no documented... try
    $ grdc -c ~/.grdc/foo.grdc
    o specify the initial window mode to not be forced to fullscreen: I am working on a new feature to save the last view mode, this should be what you need.
    o allow to change colors/compression during a session: Not sure if libvncclient support this, will try that later. But I don't think rdesktop can support
    o clipboard support: VNC currently support this feature; I need to take a look at RDP

    To cristianfere:
    o automatic adjustment of the window when working in remote mode outside fullscreen: Do you mean scaling of the window?

    Thanks for all your suggestions and now I know I still have lots of things to do

    If you would like to stand on the edge be sure to check the ChangeLog file in SVN.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: New project Grdc (GTK+/Gnome Remote Desktop Client) - will it compiles in Ubuntu?

    Yes, I remember that when using VMWare Center at my old job, had a button called auto-fit which was useful to make automatic adjustment in the size of the window. To those who use the remote desktop in a lower resolution, it would be very useful.

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