Thanks for that link -- it's wonderful. There were still a few stupid hurdles to get over (at first neither svnserve nor xinetd would work) but I finally figured out that
1 - svnserve doesn't allow blank spaces at the beginning of lines in svnserve.conf, e.g. in the sample configuration file that is written in the new repository when you run "svnadmin create", on the line
# auth-access = write
you have to delete not only "#" but "# ".
2 - xinetd wouldn't start svnserve when my /etc/xinetd.d/svn file was formatted as in the blog, e.g.
service svn {
port = 3690
socket_type = stream
So I moved the "{" to the beginning of the 2nd line and deleted all leading blank spaces so it now looks like
service svn
port = 3690
socket_type = stream
After sorting out that nonsense, it seems to work perfectly.