Edit : revised method, using copy .desktop (old method at bottom
If you copy and paste you'll be okay
First remove the ipod from pc. (umount or eject, and unplug
Browse to home folder -> .local -> share and see if a folder 'applications' exists, if so good, if not you can create the folder
mkdir ~/.local/share/applications
then run
cp /usr/share/applications/kde/amarok.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/amarok-ipod.desktop
Then run
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list
Do only one of the following three boxes.
If it's empty then paste this in
[Added Associations]
If it's not then paste just this line in
If the line exists then just add to end of line
Be careful to keep formatting - no space between entries and end with a ;
Then run
gedit ~/.local/share/applications/amarok-ipod.desktop
Find the line - Exec=amarok %U and change to
Find the line - Name=Amarok and change to Name=Amarok Ipod (or anything you want, I used AmaPod ( use the first instance of name= (the 4th line usually
Save and exit out
Go to places -> home folder, r. click on an empty space and choose create document -> empty file. After it is created name it (what it's called doesn't matter as long as it doesn't conflict with anything in home and is same as above script. ( just use ipod1
Open ipod1 and copy and paste this into and save and close
amarok -m %d -m
Then open a terminal and run
Default for music player is set in System -> Preferences -> file management -> media -> music player (enable in edit menus -> preferences.
Or just go to home folder -> edit -> preferences -> media -> music player. Check/Set your default to Amarok Ipod (or whatever you named it
Plug in your ipod and see
Notes: This works perfectly here as long as Amarok is not running when the ipod is plugged in. If Amarok is running you'll get the playlist screen but you'll need to click connect.
In Amarok -> settings -> configure amarok under general settings uncheck 'remember current playlist on exit' (optional
If Amarok is not running (no icon in upper panel) but the ipod is mounted then just r. click on the desktop icon and choose 'open with Amapod' (or whatever you named it to in edit menus
Old method
This looks long but should only take a few minutes
Assuming per previous post that banshee is installed, available as a default choice in ...media -> music player and that your ipod is configured in Amarok properly then here's the method.
Note: you don't have to use banshee, banshee-1 or rhythmbox will also work, but we'll use banshee here. Ck. bottom of post for how to continue to use banshee if desired.
First remove the ipod from pc. (umount or eject, and unplug
Go to ....preferences -> file management -> media -> music player and set banshee as default player, close.
Go to places -> home folder, r. click on an empty space and choose create document -> empty file. After it is created name it (what it's called doesn't matter as long as it doesn't conflict with anything in home ( just use test1
Open test1 and copy and paste this into and save and close (edit - added a 2nd -m to keep gui visible after amarok opens and connects)
amarok -m %d -m
Then open a terminal and run ( After you run that you should be returned to prompt, ie. no error message, if it errors ck. spelling, just use copy and paste on the commands I've posted and you'll be okay
Now right click on Applications and choose edit menus.
Highlight sound & video on left side. On the right side find banshee, r. click -> properties. On the properties screen the only thing that has to be changed is the launch command, the rest is optional. I changed name so as not to confuse with banshee. Delete the current command and insert this as launch command
See 1st. screenshot 1 for mine
Close out edit menus and plug in the ipod. After it mounts amarok should open and connect to the ipod as in 2nd screenshot in previous post.
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To continue to use banshee (or whichever app whose app launcher was diverted
Right click on desktop -> create launcher. Name it as you please and point towards banshee's exec. (in this case /usr/bin/banshee
see screenshot 2
Then when or if you want to open banshee just click on launcher.
I'd also open synaptic, search banshee, click on it and in task bar choose -> package -> lock version. this will prevent an update from inadvertently overwriting the applications menu launcher for banshee.
You can put banshee back to normal in edits menus, blah, blah, banshee -> properties by clicking revert (works 1 edit back
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Again you must have the 3 conditions from 1st. line satisfied for this to work right
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