Hello linux users.
This is my first thread actually giving advice instead of asking for it
This thread is for the Belkin N (MIMO) Wireless USB Adapter. I can tell you how to easily get your belkin wireless device to work in Ubuntu! (I´m running Hardy Heron)
Without further ado, we need to get the show on the road. Make sure you have ndisgtk (part of ndiswrapper) I believe you can get it in synaptic.
After installation, it will be Administrator>Windows Wireless Drivers. Alternatively, you can use termanal and type ¨sudo ndisgtk¨ then your password.
Insert your Belkin CD into your CD drive. The CD has the .inf file needed to use it. Open up ndisgtk and click add driver. Click on the folder icon and locate your CD drive. Go to the ¨InstallationDrivers¨ folder. Go to ¨XP2K¨ and open the ¨rt2870.inf¨ file. It will say that the hardware is not present, but don´t worry. Reboot your computer with your USB device already attached and DO NOT UNPLUG IT. At least mine doesn´t work if you unplug it.
Now whenever you start your computer, you will have wireless! Use the networkmanager in your tray to choose a network.
Hope I could help!
Gavinstipsandtricks@gmail.com www.GavinsTipsAndTricks.co.nr