Thanks for the great tutorial... really helped me in a moment of crisis (printing a thesis
As for the simplified instructions... I'll give it a try:
All codes in quotes are to be typed in a terminal (or console) window unless stated otherwise
--skip steps 1 & 2 if you wish to keep it simple--
3.0.1 Download the .deb files from here (too bad this forum has a filesize limit just below the largest file here, so please bear with the file hosting page... and whisper to the Original Poster if the link becomes broken, or try to do steps 1 & 2)
3.0.2 untar them with 'tar -xvf pips.tar.gz' or with your favorite compressed files application such as Ark.
3. Install the debs with the command 'sudo dpkg -i ./pips-*.deb'
4. You get a few messages (ignore them ^_^)
5. write in the terminal 'sudo vim /etc/init.d/ekpd'
6. Copy the following into it
# Photo Image Print System
# Copyright (C) 2002-2005 EPSON AVASYS Corporation.
# Copyright (C) SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 2002-2005.
# . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
DESC="EPSON Avasys printing daemon"
unset TMPDIR
test -f $DAEMON || exit 0
umask 000
case "$1" in
pidlist=`pidof $NAME`
if [ "x" = "x$pidlist" ]; then
echo -n "Starting $NAME:"
start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile "$PIDFILE" --exec $DAEMON
echo -n "Stopping ekpd:"
start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 5 --name $NAME
$0 stop
sleep 2
$0 start
echo "Usage: ekpd { start | stop | restart }" >&2
exit 1
umask $OLDMASK
exit 0
6.a. This is not evident: Press Esc, then type ':w' (without quotes) then ':q' (and enter)
7. Type in the terminal 'sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/ekpd'
8. Now install a few libraries by doing 'sudo apt-get install libtiff4 libpng3' (thanks swudee for updating the 2 to 3)
9. make a link with this commands
'sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/'
10. and copy the config file for ekpd by 'sudo cp /usr/local/EPAva/printer/st20/ekpdrc_st20 /etc/ekpdrc'
11. Run 'sudo ekpd-tool' and check that the parameters are set to
Printer Name : st<your printer number>
Connection Method : <USB>
Device Path : lp0
Select the Defualt Printer checkbox if this is your default printer.
12. Now start ekpd with 'sudo /etc/init.d/ekpd start'
Here I got the following error
/etc/init.d/ekpd: 2: to: not found
Starting ekpd
which I safely ignored
13 Open Firefox and write 'localhost:631' in the address bar.
14. Select Administration, Add Printer
15. Set a name, location and description
16. Select Epson Stylus Txx USB #1 from the dropdown list
17. Select Epson Stylus Txx Photo Image Print System (en) as the model
18. Now if you want send a test page to the printer, or just start printing whatever you want... this test page can be time and ink consuming, particularly important if you're ink-stingy