OK. The partitions do not seem to be overlapping and the last sector of your partitions is not beyond the physical end of the drive (which is the problem described in the link and which I had to recover from). I would guess, therefore, that this might be the problem:
But I'm out of my depth here and do not know what to suggest next. Certainly, back up your data. It is probably not in immediate danger so long as you don't use any partitioning software. But if someone can tell you how to edit the partition table to correct this, you certainly do want to backup first.
Perhaps srs5694 will happen along. He would certainly be able to advise.
Edit: what might be useful would be to backup your partition table with:
sfdisk -d /dev/sda > Desktop/parts.txt
Post the contents of parts.txt so that someone can have a look at it. Make sure you get the '>' the right way round.
No, it isn't. fdisk -lu shows sectors, not cylinders, which is what we needed.