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Thread: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

  1. #1
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    Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Ok, so this is just an idea, but a good idea none the less. I ead this article and and thought I need to quit thinking about getting my other system up and running for my boy. Granted he is only 3 he, is always getting into my chair playing around. But then I had another idea. Why not have a booth at the kid expo in Madison. I take my son to it every year and it is pretty cool. Not only would we be introducing Linux to kids, but also to parents. And what parent does not love free educational items. I am checking into what the cost of a booth would be for this. The expo is marhc 15-16, so there is plenty of time to talk about this. But I think a good version of Ubuntu would be the Edubuntu of course. I my self have no experienec with this one, but it is what I am planning on installing on my sons system.

  2. #2
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjito View Post
    Ok, so this is just an idea, but a good idea none the less. I ead this article and and thought I need to quit thinking about getting my other system up and running for my boy. Granted he is only 3 he, is always getting into my chair playing around. But then I had another idea. Why not have a booth at the kid expo in Madison. I take my son to it every year and it is pretty cool. Not only would we be introducing Linux to kids, but also to parents. And what parent does not love free educational items. I am checking into what the cost of a booth would be for this. The expo is marhc 15-16, so there is plenty of time to talk about this. But I think a good version of Ubuntu would be the Edubuntu of course. I my self have no experienec with this one, but it is what I am planning on installing on my sons system.
    This sounded like an excellent idea sanjito, so, needless to say, I'm looking into it right now.

    I just sent an e-mail to their "Contact Us" address. When I get a reply I'll let you know the details I received.

  3. #3
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Dans Gaurdian would be a nice thing to speak to the parents about , all of them are worried about the kids surfing into the wrong places.
    "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
    -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  4. #4
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Quote Originally Posted by sx66gns View Post
    Dans Gaurdian would be a nice thing to speak to the parents about , all of them are worried about the kids surfing into the wrong places.
    It could be something to mention. I think there are two arguments on each side of Internet safeguarding.

  5. #5
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    I received a response from Mr. Meyers.

    Here is the .pdf he attached to the e-mail:

    The results weren't as good as I was hoping.

    Here is what we're looking at as options:

    $1595 (Gold Package)
    $1,395 (Silver Package)
    $895 (Standard Package)

    From the e-mail: "Starting November 1 the price will increase by about 10%."

    Does anyone have any ideas for fund raising? How about a "sponsor"? I thought this was a great idea, unfortunately it's quite a bit of money to throw out for two days of time.

    I'd be willing to throw out some money for it, but not $895. I'll keep thinking of ideas, and I'd like input from the rest of you too.

    Hope you're all having a good Monday.


  6. #6
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Incredible Idea!

    i've actually been wanting to do a presentation on internet safety for parents. I could "clean up" the idea a bit for the kids expo, (originally it was planned to be a no-holds barred shock and awe type of presentation, but it wouldn't have to be for this).

    Granted what i was working on wouldn't have had a linux focus, linux would have been mentioned and been used for the presentation.


  7. #7
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Quote Originally Posted by Ek0nomik View Post
    I received a response from Mr. Meyers.

    Here is the .pdf he attached to the e-mail:

    The results weren't as good as I was hoping.

    Here is what we're looking at as options:

    $1595 (Gold Package)
    $1,395 (Silver Package)
    $895 (Standard Package)

    From the e-mail: "Starting November 1 the price will increase by about 10%."

    Does anyone have any ideas for fund raising? How about a "sponsor"? I thought this was a great idea, unfortunately it's quite a bit of money to throw out for two days of time.

    I'd be willing to throw out some money for it, but not $895. I'll keep thinking of ideas, and I'd like input from the rest of you too.

    Hope you're all having a good Monday.

    How much would you folks need for computers,your time,food and stuff on top of the admin fee of 1,000?
    "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
    -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  8. #8
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Quote Originally Posted by sx66gns View Post
    How much would you folks need for computers,your time,food and stuff on top of the admin fee of 1,000?
    Computers, $0.00.
    Time, $0.00.
    Food, Depends. I'm sure I could find some cheap Vietnamese place or something.

    I have 4 computers. I have no problem brining one or two to show off.

  9. #9
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Quote Originally Posted by Ek0nomik View Post
    Computers, $0.00.
    Time, $0.00.
    Food, Depends. I'm sure I could find some cheap Vietnamese place or something.

    I have 4 computers. I have no problem brining one or two to show off.
    I think the only other cost would be for either
    1. purchasing blank disks to burn copies for parents
    2. purchasing disks disks from the Canonical store
    (200 CD's @ 33.49 = 334.88)

    My other idea is to see if we can get support from Wisconsin LUG's. Maybe see if they would like to help sponsor/donate funds so we can purchase a larger booth. I am willing to give a 100.00 for this myself, as well as donate my time and 2 system. If we were to purchase disks from Canonical, I have another 100.00 to add to getting 200 disks.

  10. #10
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    Re: Kids Expo 2008 Madison, WI

    Quote Originally Posted by sanjito View Post
    I think the only other cost would be for either
    1. purchasing blank disks to burn copies for parents
    2. purchasing disks disks from the Canonical store
    (200 CD's @ 33.49 = 334.88)

    My other idea is to see if we can get support from Wisconsin LUG's. Maybe see if they would like to help sponsor/donate funds so we can purchase a larger booth. I am willing to give a 100.00 for this myself, as well as donate my time and 2 system. If we were to purchase disks from Canonical, I have another 100.00 to add to getting 200 disks.
    I don't think we should get to ahead of ourselves with the pricing information yet. We could try to find someone at Canonical to communicate with to perhaps supplying us with Ubuntu CD's specifically for the event. It may not be out of the realm of possibility.

    So if you are willing to donate $100 to this, that brings us down to (for now) $795.00. I don't know how much I would be willing to throw out. $50.00 for sure, I could maybe go higher. Contacting other WI LUG's could be beneficial. Mike Putnam (sgtd) would probably be our best contact for that.

    I could potentially get some of my friends to throw a little money our way, but probably not much.

    I know lifewithryan was interested in this idea as well, so we should keep the brainstorming going and try to make this happen.

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