I wanted to start a thread to get some community help in the process and just to make everyone aware of the event. A Little Background first: I am David VastaI have been in IT for about 17 yearsI am and iSeries (AS/400) Engineer or AdminThere is a conf called COMMONIt happens this springDon't trash the iSeries it's rock solid much like a rock in the rockiesI am presenting Ubuntu @ said Conf call COMMON Ok with that out of the way we can now move on. COMMON.org which I will concede is a bad name for a users group but it was started over 20 years ago so I had nothing to do with it and it works cause you say things like this: "I am going to Common this spring" It just sounds official. I called them last Thursday to see if I could present a topic this Spring at the Conf April 28 - May 4 and they said it was closed to new submission and I could but would be placed on a "waiting list" I have been on said list before and typically nothing happens on that list. People in the iSeries community who present at COMMON don't miss COMMON. So Friday I submitted an Abstract to present Ubuntu Linux called "Do you Ubuntu?" and Monday morning I got an email explaining I was in. Now the hard part, getting to the conf. I am going to use this thread to bounce Ideas around and eventually get you all involved if I can and let you use it in the future like Joey does with his presentations. Mine will be more business/IT focuses and will barrow parts from Joey's but maybe it can be of some use. Here is a link to the post on my Blog so you can read more. -David
Just my thoughts... This is a great opportunity guys! We should do whatever we can to help give ideas and solidify presentations for those of us planning to attend conferences and whatnot. David, You should look into seeing if there are any LoCo teams forming out where COMMON is being held, I am willing to bet that they would help you setup and prepare locally if you need it.
OK so I have an update. I now have a time and a date. http://www.common.org/conferences/sguide/S07/520222.htm This is the link to the schedule utility that you use to arrange your conference. It's a big learning week for iSeries people. There are CIOs, CTOs, System Admins, Developers, and vendors there and I have a chance to touch them all with the magic of Ubuntu. Canonical has sent me about 100 CDs. I really don't think is enough and if I could get more that would be great. I have on hand: 50 Ubuntu Intel X86 20 Ubuntu 64Bit 20 Ubuntu PowerPC I think I have ordered: 100 Kubuntu 100 Edubuntu Thanks, David
Last edited by davidvasta; March 5th, 2007 at 06:52 PM.
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