Selecting Xubuntu from the Grub 2.12 menu results in a blank screen which hangs forever (or at least 10 minutes).
Selecting Xubuntu (advanced) from the Grub 2.12 menu, and then the "generic" option gives a little more info. It results in log screen, which prints 2 lines and then hangs.
loading Linux 6.8.0-36-generic ....
loading inital ramdisk ....
Selecting Xubuntu (advanced) from the Grub 2.12 menu, and then the "recovery" brings up another options menu. I tried a few, and discovered that just selecting the 'resume' option allows the boot to complete.
As fas as I understand things, loading Xubuntu using Advanced Options>Recovery>Resume will load a kernel to the desktop using a open source video driver instead of a proprietary video driver that was installed. I know of no other difference. Here is something you can try when at the recovery menu:
Select Network - that should establish an internet connection. Then select Root - That will get you a command line where you can run commands, such as
apt update
apt upgrade
The command dpkg will fix broken packages. To get back to the recovery menu - type exit.
Then select resume and then try rebooting to load with the proprietary video driver.