mythtv 34 install to noble numbat
sudo apt-get install mythtv
#add other add-ons later
open a web browser and goto: http://localhost:6544/setupwizard
This gives access to the websetup interface.
next page is the language setup
next page is backend ip's and security setup
next page is locale for tv frequencies
next page is misc settings just go to next page
next pages are pretty much standard until add tuners
next page is capture cards, add your tuners
next page is recording profiles just go to next page
next page is add video sources
next page is connect tuners to video sources input connections
next page is scan for channels
next page is channel preferences, delete unwanted etc.
next page is adding your storage groups.
For storage groups ensure the user who starts mythtv (usually mythtv) has read and write permissions to that directory.
I usually create banners, coverart, fanart and screenshots in the mythtv user's home folder giving appropriate permissions.
next page is for programming stuff just save and exit restarting database
At this juncture just reboot.
When the machine has rebooted, add users to all of these groups mythtv, video and audio groups
sudo adduser root mythtv
If you have a combined backend/frontend machine as in an HTPC setup, I would recommend
changing the randomly generated password at install for one of youe own choosing. I usually just make it mythtv.
To do so follow the following steps in a terminal copying and pasting each line one by one:
sudo mysql mythconverg
use mythconverg
CREATE USER 'mythtv'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mythtv';
ALTER USER 'mythtv' IDENTIFIED BY 'mythtv';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mythconverg.* TO 'mythtv'@'localhost';
ALTER USER 'mythtv'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mythtv';
Then ctrl_d to exit mysql.
For those who wish to use acpi shutdown, these are the steps I take:
in terminal type then paste the following:
%mythtv ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/, /usr/sbin/, /bin/systemctl, /usr/sbin/rtcwake, /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm
then ctrl_o to write the entry, ctrl_x to exit the file.
This will allow the automatic shutdown to have correct permissions.
Then copy: and setwakeup to your /usr/sbin folder Aquire the files from:
Then go to the web setup interface for mythtv: http:/localhost:6544/setupwizard
and alter the enties on the shutdown/wakeup options page
idle shutdown time: 10secs
max wait for recording (secs): 60
startup before recording (secs): 120
wakeup time format: time_t
command to set wakeup time: sudo /usr/sbin/
server halt command: sudo /usr/sbin/poweroff
pre-shutdown-check-command: sudo /usr/sbin/
save and exit.
Don't forget if using this method when finished with the computer to always logoff do not shutdown.