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Thread: Accidentally deleted Windows after installing Linux

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Accidentally deleted Windows after installing Linux

    Quote Originally Posted by QIII View Post
    Yes. I understand that.
    Sorry. I didn't mean to tell you that. I should have indicated that I was speaking to the OP.

    What is being described in that post is re-installation, not recovery/restoration. While re-installation may be necessary, nobody has mentioned recovering the OP's files and data.

    You will note that I asked about the OP's backups, which likely do not exist. We do not have an answer to that yet. Nobody has indicated to the OP whether or not they can recover their data in the machine's present state. Nobody has said anything to indicate to the OP that re-installation will not restore data, but make it unrecoverable at this point.

    Any attempt at data recovery, if it will work, will need to happen before re-installing.

    That being the case, any discussion of how to "recover" the Windows installation will necessarily start with a discussion of the feasibility of data recovery.
    Got it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Re: Accidentally deleted Windows after installing Linux

    Quote Originally Posted by QIII View Post
    Yes. I understand that.
    What is being described in that post is re-installation, not recovery/restoration.
    I agree with QIII's recovery is not possible solution to this mess. If the OP are to do recovery this might damage the existing newly installed Linux Ubuntu Operating System. For me, just continue the mess but if the OP really do want to recover the MS windows or MS windows files then plan to run recovery. Then, this will go back from the start and this will be a long process ahead.
    Which is to do a dual booting. installing again the Linux operating system after the MS windows recovery. Here you should plan first what is to be done then proceeds to the next process. This is really a mess. Doing a recovery is very impossible but it is possible due to the recovery part of the storage. Here you can maybe recover the MS windows but the MS Windows files is a rare thing to be recovered. It might be recovered but only few of them. So regards and cheers.
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