I'm new to Ubuntu so I'm sure I did something wrong while trying to set up a second partition for Windows 10. Whenever I boot Windows, it seems to break something in Linux and I'm not able to boot Linux anymore. I found a temporary workaround by writing in the command prompt: bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path EFIubuntugrubx64.efion Windows and restarting, but as soon as I boot into Windows again, Linux won't boot.
Here's the process I took:
1. I started with one disk that has Linux Mint 21 MATE installed.
2. Inserted usb with Linux on it and booted that.
3. Used GParted to resize the disk to make some unallocated space (from about 240GB to 110GB)
4. Used GParted to create a new partition in the new space, formatted it to ntfs (/dev/sda5: ~130GB)
5. Applied and shut down PC
6. Inserted USB with Windows 10 installed, booted that and installed on the new partition.
7. At this point I was having trouble booting Linux and I saw something about how Windows doesn't like to share an EFI partition, so I created a second EFI partition with 239MB for Windows (/dev/sda2)
8. Still having issues booting Linux, ran bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path EFIubuntugrubx64.efi in command prompt and was able to boot Linux and run Boot Repair.
9. Still can't boot Linux (shows a screen that says BusyBox 1.30.1 Built in shell (ash) initramfs)
I did run Boot Repair on Linux a couple times, but it doesn't seem to fix the issue. Here is the Boot Info summary: sprunge.us/O3jGHU
Please let me know if there is any other information I should include.