The Status:
- I'm running Ubuntu 22.04.1 and have minimum Linux experience.
- I want to install Wine and see if it will install and run Corel Draw X3 as it won't install on Windows 10. (I have the Corel Draw X3 installation CD and I own it)
The Questions: Which is the best way to install Wine?
a - Use the "Ubuntu Software" Icon to search for and install Wine... or
b - Use the Terminal/Command Line as described in this YouTube Video... "How to Run Windows Programs on Linux | Wine Install Tutorial using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"
... Which does the following...
- installs the i386 architecture
- downloads the repository key
- adds repository to help install Wine
- installs the Wine Stable Package
- installs PlayOnLinux
Here are the actual terminal commands from the video to do the above...
1. sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
2. wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
3. sudo add-apt-repository 'deb focal main'
4. sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable
5. sudo apt install playonlinux
In Summary:
Using the "Ubuntu Software" Icon certainly seems simpler but I thought I would ask before proceeding.
Thanks for any help.
PS and what about Q4Wine? What does that do?