Hi, everything is fine when I'm NOT running VNC but when I run VNC, I have no (hope I'm using the right term) widgets in my windows -- no way to minimize, maximize, drag, resize, etc, or even close. It's like the entire "frame" of the window is gone and I can only use the app as it shows up...sometimes in a tiny page that's too small to use. Right click has no effect. I suspect that it's because of the "startxfce4" but I don't know how to get that to match what I normally see when I start X. I've tried playing around with other .vnc/xstartup files and always get the gray screen of death.
I am using Lubuntu 20.04LTS in both. Xvnc version TightVNC-1.3.10.
Here's the .vnc/xstartup file:
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
startxfce4 &