Spoiled by the OSX Time Machine solution I've been using for many years, I was looking for a similar backup method after switching completely to Kubuntu.
My first approach was to use "Back-In-Time" which worked great and did exactly what I needed.
"Back-In-Time" is basically a GUI interface to automate rsync commands and provides a good overview over all the snapshots/backups.
Over time, the complexity and volume of data grew to the point where each "back-in-time" (incremental) backup took about an hour.
It was time to investigate in a new solution.
This guide is intended to help set up a performant backup solution that takes advantage of the "copy on write" technology of BTR file systems.
This should be a "simple" tutorial with examples covering the topics of how to set up an automated BTRFS snapshot/backup configuration, similar to OSX Time-Machine with excluded subfolders. (Without GUI)
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or questions about this tutorial.
Quick objective speed comparison
Amount of changes ~100 MB:
- Time needed for snapshots with "Back-In-Time": ~60 Minutes
- Time needed for snapshots with "BTRBK": <1 Minute
Initial setup
- Kubuntu (EFI boot) installed on a SYSTEM SSD on EXT4 LVM2 (250 GB)
- Windows SSD (150 GB)
Names written in "Italic" are used late ron in the tutorial
Take incremental snapshots of:
- Root system of Kubuntu
- Home folder (Kubuntu)
- DATA HDD (exuding specific folders)
Steps to setup BTRFS on data disks (Essential if you are coming from EXT4 partitions)
- Make sure you have a separate backup of all your data on a separate drive in case anything goes wrong
rsync -a --recursive --info=progress2 /media/UserData/ /media/USB_BackupUserData/
- Add to exclude folders like Downloads etc. which you don't want to back up
- Convert your file systems (DATA and BACKUP) to BTRFS if they are not already.
btrfs-convert /dev/sda1
will convert an ext4 partition to btrfs
- "Move" all your data on the DATA HDD root into a subvolume called @
btrfs subvolume snapshot /media/UserData/ /media/UserData/@
- Delete original "file references" from the root of the HDD
-xdev is critical! It defines that it only deletes files in the current mounted device (snapshot)
find /media/UserData -xdev -delete
- Edit /etc/fstab
- Mount @ as your "normal" data volume
- Mount DATA HDD as a root mounting point
- Mount BACKUP HDD as a root mounting point
UUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX /media/UserData_root btrfs defaults,subvol=/ 0 1
UUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX /media/UserData btrfs defaults,subvol=@ 0 1
UUID=YYYYYYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYYYYYYYYYY /media/Backup btrfs defaults 0 1
- Create a folder on DATA called snapshots
- Create a folder on BACKUP called something like btr_backup_data
- On @ "convert" every folder which should be excluded from the backup into a subvolume.
Nested Subvolumes will be ignored during a snapshot of the parent subvolume.
cd /media/UserData
mv Downloads/ Downloads_old
btrfs subvolume create Downloads
cp -ax --reflink=always /media/UserData/Downloads_old/. /media/UserData/Downloads
rm -rf /media/UserData/Downloads_old
- Add COW-off attribute to folders which should have COW off (optional)
chattr -R +C /media/UserData/Downloads
Automate backup with BTRBK
- Install btrbk
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install -y btrbk
- Edit /etc/btrbk/btrbk.conf
The following configuration will lead to a daily snapshot which will be kept for 200 days. The first snapshot of each month will be kept 30 months.
Each month, a snapshot of the subvolume VirtualBoxVMs will be taken and saved forever.
Don't preserve snapshots on original disk >1 day (latest).
# Enable transaction log
transaction_log /var/log/btrbk.log
# Use long timestamp format (includes hour/minute)
timestamp_format long
snapshot_preserve_min latest
snapshot_preserve no
# Create snapshots only if the backup disk is attached
#snapshot_create ondemand
target_preserve_min no
target_preserve 200d 30m
snapshot_dir btrbk_snapshots
volume /media/UserData_root
target send-receive /media/Backup/btr_backup_UserData
subvolume @
target_preserve 200d 30m
subvolume @/VirtualBoxVMs
target_preserve *m
The config can be tested by executing a dry run of btrbk
sudo btrbk -v -n run
- Create script /etc/btrbk.daily/
This file will be executed with root privileges. Make sure it is only accessible by superusers.
#!/bin/sh -e
btrbk -q run
- Install anacron
- Add following line to /etc/anacrontab
The script will be executed daily 10 minutes after boot.
1 10 btrbk.daily /bin/bash /etc/btrbk.daily/
Steps to setup BTRFS for System disks (Optional)
- Basically you can follow this guide to convert an existing Ubuntu installation:
- LVM2 systems users need to mount the LVM2 mapper point e.g.
instead of
Add System disks to automated backup (Optional)
- Edit /etc/btrbk/btrbk.conf
Add the following lines to enable backups for the system and home subvolume.
In addition, this config will create a snapshot of the root and home subvolume each day. Daily snapshots are kept for 30 days and monthly for 10 months.
volume /media/System_root
target send-receive /media/Backup/btr_backup_System
subvolume @
target_preserve 30d 10m
subvolume @home
target_preserve 30d 10m
Steps to set up non BTRFS disk backups (Optional)
If a backup is needed of a non BTRFS partition (e.g. NTFS) then the data needs to be copied (synced) to a BTRFS partition previous to a snapshot.
In the following example, a Windows user folder is backed up on a BTRFS system.
Adding rsync commands will lead to an increase of the overall backup process time.
- Mount the NTFS partition by editing /etc/fstab
UUID=ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ /media/Windows ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 0
- Create a folder and subvolume on the backup disk where the data is synced to
mkdir /media/Backup/btr_backup_Windows
btrfs subvolume create /media/Backup/btr_backup_Windows/sync
- edit /etc/btrbk.daily/
#!/bin/sh -e
rsync -az --delete \
--inplace --numeric-ids --acls --xattrs \
--delete-excluded \
--exclude=/Downloads \
/media/Windows/Users/XYZ/ \
btrbk -q run
- Add the following lines to /etc/btrbk/btrbk.conf
Keep daily backups for 14 days and weekly backups for 20 weeks.
volume /media/Backup/btr_backup_Windows
subvolume sync
snapshot_preserve_min latest
snapshot_preserve 14d 20w
Final /etc/fstab
UUID=DDDDDDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDDDDDDDDDD /media/System_root btrfs defaults,subvol=/ 0 1
UUID=DDDDDDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDDDDDDDDDD /home btrfs defaults,subvol=@home 0 2
UUID=CCCC-CCCC /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1
/dev/mapper/vgkubuntu-swap_1 none swap sw 0 0
UUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX /media/UserData_root btrfs defaults,subvol=/ 0 1
UUID=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX /media/UserData btrfs defaults,subvol=@ 0 1
UUID=YYYYYYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYYYYYYYYYY /media/Backup btrfs defaults 0 1
UUID=ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ /media/Windows ntfs defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 0
Final /etc/btrbk.daily/
#!/bin/sh -e
rsync -az --delete \
--inplace --numeric-ids --acls --xattrs \
--delete-excluded \
--exclude=/Downloads \
/media/Windows/Users/MrLee/ \
btrbk -q run
kdialog --passivepopup 'BTRBK executed' 30
Final /etc/btrbk/btrbk.conf
# Enable transaction log
transaction_log /var/log/btrbk.log
# Use long timestamp format (includes hour/minute)
timestamp_format long
snapshot_preserve_min latest
snapshot_preserve no
# Create snapshots only if the backup disk is attached
#snapshot_create ondemand
target_preserve_min no
target_preserve 200d 30m
snapshot_dir btrbk_snapshots
volume /media/Backup/btr_backup_Windows
subvolume sync
snapshot_preserve_min latest
snapshot_preserve 14d 20w
volume /media/System_root
target send-receive /media/Backup/btr_backup_System
subvolume @
target_preserve 30d 10m
subvolume @home
target_preserve 30d 10m
volume /media/UserData_root
target send-receive /media/Backup/btr_backup_UserData
subvolume @
target_preserve 200d 30m
subvolume @/VirtualBoxVMs
target_preserve *m