these are the steps followed in order to restore the missing functionality of copy-paste between Desktop (not the folder under nautilus known as Files, yet the Desktop itself with its icons) and other folders in ubuntu flashback 21.10.
1) open synaptic package manager and install nemo (type nemo and install it along with all its dependencies)
2) open dconf editor and change org.gnome.gnome-flashback desktop from true to false: now desktop icons and background are no longer handled from flashback
3) type in terminal: gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true
make nemo show desktop icons
4) open startup applications and add: nemo-desktop
command in order for nemo to handle the desktop
5) type in terminal: gsettings set org.gnome.gnome-flashback root-background true
restore the background image of your choice and change it under System Settings->Background only; right clicking on desktop and changing background is not working any more
6) reboot
if not, some changes won't take effect: e.g. background loss is not seen if reboot does not take place if step 5 is omitted
7) do not use
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false
as found elsewhere, because, if changed, it will not show Desktop folder under nautilus (Files) tree
One nice thing that was long missed is that by right clicking on Desktop and choosing Open in Terminal you will see that now the prompt is on Desktop and not in your home folder.
The option send to bluetooth device is not enabled by default. In order to do so follow this link:
log out and back in for change to take effect.
edit: in case the above does not work then do the following:
i) go do /home/user_name/.local/share/nemo/actions (substitute user_name with that one of your computer)
and add the file named sendtobluetooth.nemo_action
ii) the contents of the file should be:
[Nemo Action]
Name=Send to Bluetooth
Comment=Send file to bluetooth device
Exec=bluetooth-sendto %F
iii) and make it executable
edit2: if the desktop fonts are too small then open dconf editor and go to org/nemo/desktop and change the font value