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Thread: Change Machine Name in Terminal into Bold

  1. #1

    Change Machine Name in Terminal into Bold

    Hi there,

    I have been able to change how my terminal looks using the profile preference. However, I need to make the machine name appear in bold and I don't know how to do that. The thing is, when I am working in terminal, sometimes I get lost between these lines and I can't easily find where my original command line is. Therefore, having the machine name written in bold will operate as a guide for me. Is there a way to do this???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Change Machine Name in Terminal into Bold

    Hi and welcome to the forums!

    Assuming that you use bash as your user shell, you can change the prompt by editing the value of the PS1 variable. By default it's defined in the ~/.bashrc file. For detailed instructions please check out: community/CustomizingBashPrompt.

    Here is how I set mine:
    txtgreen=$(tput setaf 2)
    txtdefault=$(tput setaf 9)
    abold=$(tput bold)
    areset=$(tput sgr0)
    PS1='${abold}${txtgreen}[\u@\h \W\$ ${txtdefault}${areset}'
    As you can see, instead of hard-coded ANSI codes I use the tput command

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Fareham, UK
    Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

    Re: Change Machine Name in Terminal into Bold

    Check out this site for the easy way to generate a nice looking prompt
    Catch me on Freenode - imark

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Re: Change Machine Name in Terminal into Bold

    I use a two liner
    [pwd 9 files, 40Kb]/var/spool
    [01:38 AM]$:
    This is the color code index and "PS1=" i use.
    # Reset
    Color_Off='\e[0m'       # Text Reset
    # Regular Colors
    Black='\e[0;30m'        # Black
    Red='\e[0;31m'          # Red
    Green='\e[0;32m'        # Green
    Yellow='\e[0;33m'       # Yellow
    Blue='\e[0;34m'         # Blue
    Purple='\e[0;35m'       # Purple
    Cyan='\e[0;36m'         # Cyan
    White='\e[0;37m'        # White
    # Bold
    BBlack='\e[1;30m'       # Black
    BRed='\e[1;31m'         # Red
    BGreen='\e[1;32m'       # Green
    BYellow='\e[1;33m'      # Yellow
    BBlue='\e[1;34m'        # Blue
    BPurple='\e[1;35m'      # Purple
    BCyan='\e[1;36m'        # Cyan
    BWhite='\e[1;37m'       # White
    # Underline
    UBlack='\e[4;30m'       # Black
    URed='\e[4;31m'         # Red
    UGreen='\e[4;32m'       # Green
    UYellow='\e[4;33m'      # Yellow
    UBlue='\e[4;34m'        # Blue
    UPurple='\e[4;35m'      # Purple
    UCyan='\e[4;36m'        # Cyan
    UWhite='\e[4;37m'       # White
    # Background
    On_Black='\e[40m'       # Black
    On_Red='\e[41m'         # Red
    On_Green='\e[42m'       # Green
    On_Yellow='\e[43m'      # Yellow
    On_Blue='\e[44m'        # Blue
    On_Purple='\e[45m'      # Purple
    On_Cyan='\e[46m'        # Cyan
    On_White='\e[47m'       # White
    # High Intensty
    IBlack='\e[0;90m'       # Black
    IRed='\e[0;91m'         # Red
    IGreen='\e[0;92m'       # Green
    IYellow='\e[0;93m'      # Yellow
    IBlue='\e[0;94m'        # Blue
    IPurple='\e[0;95m'      # Purple
    ICyan='\e[0;96m'        # Cyan
    IWhite='\e[0;97m'       # White
    # Bold High Intensty
    BIBlack='\e[1;90m'      # Black
    BIRed='\e[1;91m'        # Red
    BIGreen='\e[1;92m'      # Green
    BIYellow='\e[1;93m'     # Yellow
    BIBlue='\e[1;94m'       # Blue
    BIPurple='\e[1;95m'     # Purple
    BICyan='\e[1;96m'       # Cyan
    BIWhite='\e[1;97m'      # White
    # High Intensty Backgrounds
    On_IBlack='\e[0;100m'   # Black
    On_IRed='\e[0;101m'     # Red
    On_IGreen='\e[0;102m'   # Green
    On_IYellow='\e[0;103m'  # Yellow
    On_IBlue='\e[0;104m'    # Blue
    On_IPurple='\e[10;95m'  # Purple
    On_ICyan='\e[0;106m'    # Cyan
    On_IWhite='\e[0;107m'   # White
    # userset- time \@, user \u, working dictory \w  main prompt
    export PS1="\[$ICyan\][pwd \$(/bin/ls -1 | /usr/bin/wc -l | /bin/sed 's: ::g') files, \$(/bin/ls -lah | /bin/grep -m 1 total | /bin/sed 's/total //')b]\[$IYellow\]\w\[$ICyan\]\n[\@]\[$IYellow\]\$\[$BIGreen\]:$RS"
    export PS2="$HC$FYEL> $RS"
    Your first step, learn the command line man intro man man man bash

  5. #5

    Re: Change Machine Name in Terminal into Bold

    Thank you guys... I'll test your methods when I am back home since I don't have my laptop now.. Thank you all very much


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