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Thread: two-digit file names under sound juicer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    two-digit file names under sound juicer

    When I'm extracting a CD using Sound-Juicer, I used to have an option to include a leading '0' (zero) if the Track number was a single digit. I don't see that option on the current version of Sound-Juicer (I'm running 9.04).

    Can anyone tell me how to set up that option? If not, is there a CD Ripper that does have that option?

    "Always take the high road! That way, nothing will hit you when the brown, gooey stuff hits the fan."
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: two-digit file names under sound juicer

    Bump for justice. I too would like this feature back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: two-digit file names under sound juicer

    Go into the Gnome Configuration Editor by running gconf-editor either from a run-box or terminal.

    Go to Apps and then Soundjuicer.

    Under "file pattern" you can set the leading zeros by changing this to %tN - %tt to give you 01 - Track Name

    The full list of options can be seen under long description, but for completeness here they are:

    %at -- album title
    %aT -- album title (lowercase)
    %aa -- album artist
    %aA -- album artist (lowercase)
    %as -- album artist (sortable)
    %aS -- album artist (sortable lowercase)
    %tn -- track number (i.e 8)
    %tN -- track number, zero padded (i.e 08)
    %tt -- track title
    %tT -- track title (lowercase)
    %ta -- track artist
    %tA -- track artist (lowercase)
    %ts -- track artist (sortable)
    %tS -- track artist (sortable lowercase)
    %dn -- disc and track number (i.e Disk 2 - 6, or 6)
    %dN -- disc number, zero padded (i.e d02t06, or 06)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: two-digit file names under sound juicer

    This works, thanks, KO. As a footnote, the change you make with gconf-editor does not have any effect on the pre-set filename choices available by opening the Preferences window in Sound Juicer and selecting the Filename drop-down box. If you make the required gconf-editor changes and then later select something like "Number - Title" as a filename choice under Preferences, you will erase what you have done with gconf-editor and will have to re-do it.


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