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Thread: Meetings and Training Locations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Angry Meetings and Training Locations

    Hi all y'all - I am new (did I mention VERY new) to Ubuntu...been looking through training and meeting locations and have found that BOSTON is the only place anything is there any way that you guys might consider holding meetings/trainging in my neck of the woods (literally)? I live 20 miles west of Worcester....Thanks for listening!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Boston (British Expat)

    Re: Meetings and Training Locations

    Hello mamamarble,

    All events are held where the people who are willing to run them are willing to run them. Most people (in general) are in Boston/Cambridge and our concentration here has allowed us some successful events and community networking.

    There are 3 ways to get training in your neck of the woods:

    1) That there is someone from around there who is willing to set it up.
    2) You could convince someone from Boston (or some other part of MA) to come down and run training there.
    3) You could pay me (or someone else) to come out there as a private arrangement.

    Don't forget, our voluntarism is limited t what resources we have to hand and our scope is limited by the people who join us to organise these kinds of things.
    42 is not an anwser, it's an error code. the universe is saying 'Error 42: meaning to universe not found'
    Programmer, Teacher and Artist

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Boston, MA via Donegal
    Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex

    Re: Meetings and Training Locations

    There's a Worcester LUG (Linux User Group) near you. There's bound to be some Ubuntu users there! And other LUG's in Mass:


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