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Thread: Linux, Windows and desktop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Linux, Windows and desktop

    The situation of games on Linux has been much worse. Today there are many emulators, simple games and few commercial games of high quality, but there is still much to be desired in this area. Even if the Linux user searches much, you will not find as many games as there are for Windows, which at this point is unbeatable. If you are a gamer, Linux is unlikely to appeal to you. Unless, of course, you do not use Linux to play and have a video game for fun.

    Microsoft Office is the best, most used, most complete and most famous package of office tool in the world!

    Much of what you do in MS Office, can be done in LibreOffice. Still, the standard Windows office suite takes advantage of having much more complete tools (though the average user may not make a difference) and is more popular.

    Each Linux distribution is a different system, although all are Linux. For the novice user can be a problem the existence of hundreds of different distributions because one instruction is not always suitable for all Linux distributions. When talking about Linux, the beginner has no idea of the existing sea of distros.

    Linux never will have success on the desktop if continues existing the sea of ​​distributions.

    Many well known programs such as image and design editors and other commercial software of featured in industry, which are standard on the market, are difficultly to have a version to Linux , forcing qualified professionals not to use Linux or to specialize in less complete software.

    Windows supports more hardware than Linux.

    How Windows is winning Linux on the desktop?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Linux, Windows and desktop

    The community to have what the staff feel that my topic is perpetual debate?

    If yes, when the debate started?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    South Carolina, USA
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: Linux, Windows and desktop

    If yes, when the debate started?
    The Linux vs. Windows debate has been going on since Linux first hit the desktop; it will go on for many years to come.

    A few points in response to your post. First, I am unaware of any goal of Linux, whoever that is, to surpass Windows on the desktop.

    Most of your points remind me of my pal Jack who, when we were working on his cold car in my warm garage, complained that my wood chisel didn't work very well as a screwdriver. I replied, "Then go over to my 200-lb. toolbox and get a proper screwdriver!" My point is that if you absolutely, positively have to have gaming, then get the proper tool, Windows, and enjoy your games. Neither Linus Torvalds, Mark Shuttleworth nor I will be sorry that you now have the best tool for the job.

    It may interest you to know that Linux is arguably already more popular than Windows. Chromebooks all run a version of Linux. All of the top supercomputers run Linux. Most servers run Linux. Most Internet of Things devices, routers, switches, et all run Linux. Finally, most internet-capable devices are not desktops, but phones. World-wide, most phones run Android, which is a very customized version of Linux.

    If you need a better tool, get one.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Linux, Windows and desktop

    I first became aware of the Mac/Windows debate in 1984. I became aware of the Linux/Mac/Windows debate sometime around 1995.

    As far as I can recall, the details of the argument have changed slightly over the decades but the energy and the loyalty of the participants is exactly the same.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Toronto Canada
    Ubuntu Mate 18.04 Bionic Beaver

    Re: Linux, Windows and desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by hardware1100 View Post

    Linux never will have success on the desktop if continues existing the sea of ​​distributions.

    26+ years and still going strong.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Linux, Windows and desktop

    Quote Originally Posted by MartyBuntu View Post
    26+ years and still going strong.
    Same arguments then and now. In my professional opinion, the Linux crowd has far more representation than ever.

    The key thing is, Linux has always been strongest on the server. Even before Redhat went public Linux was installed in almost every large business, whether or not the management knew about it. It became almost indispensable only a few years after its creation, and much of FOSS was written specifically for use in an enterprise environment.

    Over the years I've talked to several different people who said their company had changed to 'a different type of Windows.' After asking a bit and in one case asking for a picture of the desktop, I found that they were using some type of UNIX. One case of AIX and one Solaris, with RHEL, SUSE and Ubuntu represented as well. All of these people were normal office types, not programmers. None of them had any problems with their new setup and several liked it better.

    I know this thread is focused on games, which I could care less about. With respect to office environments, Linux is not only ready to represent, it's already doing so.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    The Left Coast of the USA

    Re: Linux, Windows and desktop

    I think this has turned into the Pastor preaching to the choir, as with all such recurring threads. It's not worth your effort, folks.
    Please read The Forum Rules and The Forum Posting Guidelines

    A thing discovered and kept to oneself must be discovered time and again by others. A thing discovered and shared with others need be discovered only the once.
    This universe is crazy. I'm going back to my own.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Ubuntu Gnome

    Re: Linux, Windows and desktop

    My 1st experience with Linux was since 1999 from a RedHat CD. Tried few weeks then forgot about it, until 2 years ago with Debian on my IvyBridge laptop. Now Ubuntu Gnome is my prefer distro together with Win 10 for my 2-in-1 and tablet devices


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