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Thread: Installing/Upgrading to 8.10 Ibex Error - Please help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Shippensburg, Pa, USA
    Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

    Angry Installing/Upgrading to 8.10 Ibex Error - Please help!

    Hey all - I'd appreciate some help with my 8.10 install.

    Background: I've tried the following and all resulted in the included photos:
    • Tried installing 8.10 from clean install.
    • Installed 8.04 and tried upgrading.
    • Tried a clean install of 8.10 beta even thinking I might be able to upgrade from that.

    All of these resulted in:
    This error

    Even trying to run the 8.10 LiveCD results in this:
    This error

    Any help would be appreciated. I'm posting this from my 8.04 livecd at the moment, for reference.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

    Re: Installing/Upgrading to 8.10 Ibex Error - Please help!

    I installed on an old HP machine once and had the same errors.
    It turned out that the hard-disk was not being recognised half-way through the boot process.

    I landed up pulling the HD, installing on another machine, then replacing the HD in the original machine and it worked OK.

    Not sure if yours is exactly the same problem - but do you have an unusual HD configuration?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Shippensburg, Pa, USA
    Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

    Re: Installing/Upgrading to 8.10 Ibex Error - Please help!

    It's slightly unusual I suppose - I have 5 hdd's in my rig at the moment. Only one of which I'm trying to install Ubuntu onto though. The rest mount fine when using hte 8.04 LiveCD.

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