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Thread: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Austin, TX
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    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    Quote Originally Posted by some_random_noob View Post
    - Do you find Linux hard to install, setup and configure?
    Installing, and setting up, no. Very easy. Configuring a bit was a challenge (my graphics card, printer/scanner, TV tuner, and a 56K modem, 5-button mouse, and numlocks on my keyboard to be on when I start up) But now that I know exactly what to do, it's easy. (Next challenges are to buy a wireless card and configure that ) Same with Windows, though. First time I had to reinstall 98 and also XP it was a challenge. Now that I know what to do, it's easy.

    - Do you find Linux hard to use?
    No. For most of the stuff I do it's quite simple.

    - Have you had someone install it for you or help you out to do stuff?
    Nope. Did it all myself. Only help I received was from this forum, a google search and from a few books I picked up.

    - Does it meet your needs?
    You bet. It actually exceeds my needs each and every day. I'm more amazed by what I can do each day, too. And all the free programs at my disposal. It's almost overwhelming what's out there, and what I should choose to use.

    - Would you consider it a good alternative to Vista?
    Heck yeah. Looking for an alternative to Vista was my goal. I never wanted to upgrade to that monstrosity. I began researching back in December, had a computer crash with XP, not long after my research began, and I was more resolved than before to find something that would be more stable than a Windows product.

    Also, don't just answer the questions, what I'm looking for is an overview of what you think about Linux. How much *** does it kick? Is it really that "nerdy" and "hard" as people claim it is? Would you recommend it to other women as a good alternative to Vista? ... just write about your experience and how you found it compared to Windows - you could also write a direct message as I might send this thread to other people. You don't have to answer my questions, those are really just for suggestions.
    It really depends on the person I'd recommend it to. There's a lady at work, now, who I've talked to about Ubuntu and Edubuntu a bit, and she's interested in the Edubuntu for her nephew. Although she's not that computer-savvy, she probably wouldn't mind using it. There's another lady, though, who, when something goes wrong on her computer, she just goes out and buys a new one, giving the older ones to her son to do whatever he wants with. I've told her about Ubuntu, but I know she will never try anything new. She's one that I would just recommend she go ahead and get Vista because it'll suit her needs the best.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    (not a woman)

    The problem I encounter[1] is the pure lack of interest in computers at all. I can't sell Linux to any women that I know, because they just won't listen (it's boring to them).

    Interestingly, people I know, especially women, are very uninterested in computer issues.

    [1] This wasn't an advice. So why did I posted that here? To incorporate my problem to yours and get some advice on human interaction

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    Do you find Linux hard to install, setup and configure?

    It was fairly easy. I had to change my computer to first boot from the CD. After that it was just answering a few questions and I accepted all the defaults. I thought it was easier than installing Windows XP.

    - Do you find Linux hard to use?

    No. Its not very different from Windows XP. Some things are done different but mostly I use my computer to do things online and it works mostly the same. The things that are done differently arent that difficult to pick up and this forum has been helpful. But I worked for a long time with Windows programs.

    - Have you had someone install it for you or help you out to do stuff?

    ME! It was all done by myself.

    - Does it meet your needs?

    Yes. I use my computer mostly for the internet or to do some word processing and things like that.

    - Would you consider it a good alternative to Vista?

    I have never used Vista and dont know anything about it. Its sounds awesome but I am concerned about some issued with Vista relating to cost, hardware, anti-piracy measures and the like. I think its a good alternative to Windows XP and actually easier to use. I dont have to worry about viruses and spyware. There were times a file in Windows would get corrupted and say I was missing file and I wouldnt know what to do. So far no problems. Biggest issue is it doesnt run windows software and a person has to adapt to that. If your tied to windows software it could be a problem.

    I dont think this is a gender issue. Many women are very experienced with computers but everyone is different. I have been using computers for several years but wansnt into modifying anything. Just being a user and websurfer or preparing reports in MS Office.

    I dont know a lot about what is under the hood of my car but I know enough to operate it.

  4. #14
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    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    The only reason that the women (and the majority of men) use windows, is because they exist in the computer.
    If somebody can install and use windows, can also install and use Linux. I began to use Linux when I was 35 years old,
    with minimal experience in computers.
    Now I help others to install Linux and make the tweaks. If you start with Linux, you will find windows
    installation or the windows software installation a nightmare. Habits, only habits....

    If you want the best os out there, you can have it. There is not excuses, just try it and make Google your friend.
    Last edited by fog; February 1st, 2007 at 08:54 AM.
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  5. #15
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    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    Once installed and setup, linux is no harder, IMO than windows. In the past, that was definetly true (2, 3 years ago), however, today it is not. If their hardware is properly detected etc setup isn't too bad either - but if its not, it can be a real pain. Installation has gotten better, but is still a bit on the confusing side, thanks to partitioning.... but if you can get past that, your golden.
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  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    I'm a woman, but I'm a computer science major and complete technology nut. I love trying out new things on my computer and just messing around...

    However, I think most women see computers as a tool to complete actions (email, internet, chat, word documents, spreadsheets...) and not really something they would like to spend a lot of time on trying to get it to work. Since Windows usually comes installed with computers you buy, it might be easier just to use that then look into another operating system.

    Maybe if you really pushed that Linux is more secure, has all the cool features you could want, and comes with community support, you could convince them to switch. (I would time your argument to right after they experience a windows crash for a better effect.)

  7. #17

    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    Quote Originally Posted by some_random_noob View Post
    If they knew me in real life, they would have no problem letting me install Linux on an old computer as a demonstration, however like I said I'm talking online - none of them live anywhere near me so I can't show them what Linux is like and they won't try it out themselves.
    Only a little off-topic, but are these sites of any help?

    It might at least add a visual element to the introduction. And some of them are step-by-step video tutorials on installing.

    Just a slightly off-topic idea ...
    Ubuntu user #7247 :: Linux user #409907

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    - Do you find Linux hard to install, setup and configure?
    It took me half an hour just to get an mp3 file playing, following contradicting tutorials i found a bit everywhere on the net. i don't mind since i'm a computer nut but that will turn away many users. Fortunately Festy is supposed to fix that

    - Do you find Linux hard to use?
    Once it's installed, no. But installing stuff can be a pain

    - Have you had someone install it for you or help you out to do stuff?
    Did all on my own!

    - Does it meet your needs?
    No, because all of my hardware is very poorly supported. Though if i was on more supported hardware i would probably use Ubuntu as my main OS.

    - Would you consider it a good alternative to Vista?
    Vista is not an alternative to me

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    Now I'm not a woman but I could give some advice about Linux.

    - Do you find Linux hard to install, setup and configure?
    No, It was rather simple compared to XP or Vista.

    - Do you find Linux hard to use?
    Sometimes, depending on what my goal is.

    - Have you had someone install it for you or help you out to do stuff?
    No, Installed everything by myself. After main OS install, something I had to ask for help with.

    - Does it meet your needs?
    Close, the only thing missing is iTunes.

    - Would you consider it a good alternative to Vista?
    Definitely. I have tried Vista in it's early stages but the program compatibility was tough. Some would work without a prob, but others would simply refuse to work. What drove me to Linux is it's stability, virus-free, simple interface, easily customizable, and free.

    When I started having problems with windows freezing, after while I started to get aggravated and constantly yelled at the computer, I looked for a alternative system. I first tried Debian, it wouldn't make it pass the bootup stage. When I found Ubuntu, It installed without too many issues. I've been using it since August 2006. The only problem I had was getting the wireless network card to work.

    So you see, my preference is that I want stuff to just work. If it's going to give my problems, I would want to use something else. In my opinion, I think the majority of the people in this world want things to just work. If it's going to give us errors after errors than we don't want anything to do with it anymore. We can, however, encourage people who have problems to try something new on their system.

    I understand that the PC gamers out there wont like the fact that they can't run their favorite games on Linux, but currently that is how Linux is. In the future, the game creators may find that much of the money they make off the games is diminishing because of communities effort to bring windows users closer to Linux.

    Ok, maby I'm not giving advice but it was on my mind.

    Now, this statement is for the windows users. Linux isn't hard to use, it's easy once you learn simple commands and get used to the new method of installing programs. The names are different, but your common browser "Firefox" isn't. There is something that windows would never dream of and that's freedom.
    Freedom to do what you please, without the cost. So you can keep your computer running in tip-top shape, it won't give up on you. Remember those forbidden websites that would flood your system with junk, would not have a effect on you. You can just laugh at those nasties.

    Your instant messaging software would be kopete (It can connect to AOL, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo!, and many others). Amorok for your music. for your word prcessing. Firefox for accessing the internet. Those are some general programs, if you need help just ask us.

    Now I will hush and post it.

    My PC: ASUS P5QC Motherboard w/ Intel Core2Quad 2.83GHz processor - 8GB of DDR2 800 RAM - nVidia GTX 550 TI 1GB - 1 500GB WD SATA Hard Drive - 750GB WD SATA Hard Drive - 2 ASUS DVD+/-RW DL Burners w/ Lightscribe

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Re: What advice would you give to women who think Linux is "hard"?

    *IS a woman so throws her 2 cents in the ring*

    - Do you find Linux hard to install, setup and configure?

    Nope. Wiped WinXP off my hard drive, installed Ubuntu, put my stuff back on here (pictures/docs on CD-Rs, one DVD-R of music) Haven't looked back.

    - Do you find Linux hard to use?

    I'm running Feisty Herd 3 and Beryl...soooo...the answer would be no. Course then again I was one of those computer geeks that was upset when Windows started doing away with DOS in their OSes so the command line don't exactly scare me much.

    - Have you had someone install it for you or help you out to do stuff?

    I've been on these forums a lot, they've been a great help (hey I only started using Linux at ALL the week of Christmas, for Pete's sake!) But did I have someone here physically standing over my shoulder helping? no.

    - Does it meet your needs?

    For the most part yes. Right now tweaking Windows version of Firefox working so my two sons (ages 7 and 10) have a browser for their games (damned Shockwave and WMP!)

    - Would you consider it a good alternative to Vista?

    From what I've heard about Vista so far, yes. Even if I hadn't scrapped Windows from this computer, there was no way I was going to switch to Vista any time soon.

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