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Thread: yahoo mail notifications on notification area

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    yahoo mail notifications on notification area

    Since current repo mail notification system dosent support yahoo tried to fill the gap.
    Got fetchyahoo perl script current ver.from and edited as it needs and replaced original one. It is easily configurable because of comments it provides.And wrote a notification icon from zenity.Since coads are big I only post notification code & modified fetchyahoo is attached.I dont know how to give relative paths so all i edited are not realative paths.they are in between 1218 &1249 lines in modified fetchyahoo file.Im new to programming still learning thru google

    notification code

    textArray[0]="" # hold text
    c=0 # counter
    # read whole file in loop
    while read LINE
      textArray[$c]=$LINE # store line
      c=$(expr $c + 1) # increase counter by 1
    done < /tmp/data.txt
    # This will start zenity, and its stdin is linked to file descriptor 3
    exec 3> >(zenity --notification --listen --window-icon=/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/mail-notification.png)
    echo "tooltip:${textArray[*]}" >&3 
    sleep 120
    # close the file descriptor. This will also kill zenity.
    exec 3>&-
    Hope someone find it useful in the same manner I does
    Attached Files Attached Files


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