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Thread: trash floder

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2024

    trash floder

    Hello. I am new to ubuntu I have a vps server with 22.04. with software Virtualmin I'm looking and I can't find where the trash floder can is??? Please a help.
    Last edited by dimi67; May 19th, 2024 at 08:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: trash floder

    Virtualmin documentation doesn't mention trash at all.
    Servers don't have any Trash/ directories. If you seek to restore deleted files, use backups and restore them that way.

    Trash is something that Linux DEs, desktop environments, added. It is part of the XDG standard, I suppose, which is a GUI/Desktop thing, not for servers. The trash is only used when a GUI program is used to delete a file that is part of the DE being used. They are not system-wide. The typical location for Trash is on every mounted file system, at the root of that file system in a directory at the same level as the lost+found/ directory.

    When I say "GUI", I don't mean "WebGUI". I mean something from Gnome or XFCE or KDE or ... from the 10 other DEs. I use a window manager without any DE, so my "desktop" doesn't have any Trash.

    So, for a file system mounted to /TV/, then the Trash would be in /TV/Trash/. File systems where the users'HOME directories are placed have their Trash inside the HOME directory, probably in ~/.cache/Trash/ . Why is there a different location for trash for each file system? Because files are moved, not copied, into the Trash location. A move on the same file system has nearly zero overhead, while a copy could take 2+ minutes for very large files.

    Most file managers have a setting/preference for whether Trash will be used or not for the individual.

    There are lots of CLI wrappers for rm that used to implement something like Trash for CLI users. I never liked them. When a file is deleted, I expect it to be gone, gone, gone. If I need it back and it was a file that was on the file system overnight, then I can get it back from the backups. Otherwise, I know it is gone and needs to be recreated if I want it THAT badly.

    Best to assume there isn't any Trash, since that is the default.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Re: trash floder

    I have deleted a 2gb .zip file, but I see that the space on the server's hard disk is the same. I can't find this file to delete it completely?
    From ssh via command can I find this file, where is it?
    Last edited by dimi67; May 19th, 2024 at 01:01 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: trash floder

    Look for "Empty Trash" in the GUI.
    If you use rm to delete it from an ssh CLI shell, it is gone.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Re: trash floder

    I deleted the file from the virtualmin file manager.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: trash floder

    Quote Originally Posted by dimi67 View Post
    I deleted the file from the virtualmin file manager.
    I didn't see any mention of "trash" in the virtualmin documentation, so I doubt it exists. It certainly wouldn't be standard on any server. However, I've never used virtualmin.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Re: trash floder

    If I delete it via ftp, will it be permanently deleted?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: trash floder

    Quote Originally Posted by dimi67 View Post
    If I delete it via ftp, will it be permanently deleted?
    You shouldn't use plain FTP and nobody should since around 2002 when it was replaced by sftp. sftp is built-into openssh-server. You probably already have it installed. It uses the same credentials as ssh and the same ports. Most Linux file managers support sftp. Check the manpage for your file manager to see if it goes by sftp:// or ssh:// URLs.

    You can delete files, regardless of protocol, only if the current userid has permissions to do that. Understanding file and directory permissions is a basic skill for all Linux/Unix systems. They all work exactly the same.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: trash floder

    I found this

    Instead of some web UI, i suggest you use SSH and use command line. You'll learn more and get to grips with the OS. You could even use something like WinSCP/FileZilla but these don't have a recyclebin feature.

    FTP is awful too. Nobody should use FTP. It is trash.


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