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Thread: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift

    I have bugs, enhancements, and questions filed in the issues at the GitHub for ubuntu-desktop-installer... (And an unanswered question at Launchpad)

    They were not getting answered or addressed, so I filed this as a bug:
    Issues, Questions and Enhancements Not being Addressed #2383

    I figured it might at least get their attention... After over a month (today), it did:
    The installer project is being handed over between developers so there will be a period of quiet.

    Since this issue is not anything specific about the code I am going to close it.

    This is still the correct place to discuss installer issues. And no I am not one of the new installer developers. Your patience is appreciated.
    "there will be a period of quiet" <-- Is that like a moment of silence?

    So it took someone who is loosely related to the project to review and close it? Curious that it took a "staffing change" to even trigger looking at issues. I admit, that doesn't specifically relate to the code, but is an "Issue" with their Project, that they are not addressing anything related to the code, any replies to enhancements or questions.

    I know, it was filed tongue in cheek... I do sort of have a twisted sense of humor. But my original question there is still open and unanswered, like it's corresponding question at Launchpad.

    Which are these: <-- Which directly relates to Issue #2360.

    Where do I find those answers and/or who to talk to that might know where to look? I am still looking for answers to those questions and it has been 2-3 months now. No-one can even tell me "what" the new installer's 'partitioner' is named, to try to research it myself. I'm sort of at a dead-end with that.

    FYI -- After I filed bugs at Launchpad on the TPM backed installer script (, and added reasoning and support to users at the ubuntu-desktop-installer GitHub Issues (and linked those back to that bug report) that were having problems with that installer scripts results... I can see they dropped that Experimental option for Noble.
    Last edited by MAFoElffen; November 20th, 2023 at 08:49 PM.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
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  2. #2
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    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift


    some questions to the above:
    1) is the new installation a snap package?
    2) could you please explain what do you mean "change partitioning on the fly"?
    I do know about manual partitioning and that's it.
    3) if legacy installation will be available as well, is it not possible for you to continue doing what you have been doing all this time long?

    I do know that the latter is not the "answer" you would expect from someone, yet my speculation is that, the new installer seems to have issues. I do not remember in the past an ubuntu amd iso to take so much time in order to be available and to remain to pending state for a reasonable amount of time. From my experience, non latin language installations have some issues that are hard to address, so I suppose that the new installation task is not so trivial. Once again, not answers to your questions, yet having a small experience, I could share it with you.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2023

    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift

    So, there's been this interesting staffing shift happening with the "ubuntu-desktop-installer" team, and it's got everyone talking. The folks who were initially responsible for managing this essential component of Ubuntu's desktop installation process have handed off their duties to a new group of talented individuals. It seems like a breath of fresh air for the project, as these new recruits bring in a wealth of expertise and passion for streamlining the desktop installer experience. From what I've gathered, they've been hard at work brainstorming creative ways to enhance user friendliness and improve performance. This change in personnel has injected a newfound sense of energy into the team, and it's exciting to see how it will shape the future development of Ubuntu. Here's hoping that their efforts result in an even more user-friendly and efficient desktop installer!
    Last edited by ajgreeny; November 21st, 2023 at 10:15 AM. Reason: Font normalised

  4. #4
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    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift

    @Claus7 --

    1) Yes, ubuntu-desktop installer is a Snap Application, installed in the Subiquity installer. This has some advantages, in that the installer can be updated and refreshed, without requiring a respin of the whole image. It can also be set to check for an update at the github, and/or to use a different channel (Stable, beta. etc)...

    2) The old installer was Ubiquity , and used partman as the partitioner. First, partman "IS" volume manager aware, so it recognises LVM2, LUKS containers, mdadm RIAD arrays, BTRFS volumes, etc... So it allowed us to set those up from the commandline, start up the installer, choose other > the partitioner saw the layout > you configured the mounts and let the installer continue to install into it...

    The new installer's partitioner in not Volume Manager aware. So we lose that ability above...

    In the old partitioner, if you used one the the installer scripts... You could change the layout, example /tmp/zsys-setup/layout. You could change sizes of the partitons in the scripts in either /usr/lib/partman/recipes/ (for legacy boot) or /usr/lib/partman/recipes-amd64-efi/ (for UEFU). You could modify the fstab entries in /usr/lib/partman/fstab.d/. And the mount options in /usr/lib/partman/mount.d and /usr/lib/partman/mount.d. So, it the past, we could tweak things even with the canned installers scripts...

    I used to jump out to the commandline, setup my own sized partitions, LVM with my own PV's, VG's, LV's... Separate Home's LVM RAID arrays... Jump back into the installer, let the partitioner see it, point the mounts to where i wanted them, then conitinue the installer to install into the filesystem framework.

    The partitioner in Flutter... No one will tell me what it is using. Or where it is using files from. It does not even see LVM2: Bug Report:

    One of the big complaints about the new installer it that if you use a canned script for the install, you have no control over the size of the EFI partition or boot partition. Because the partiotner is not Volume Manager aware, the only thing you can create manually and still have the installer's partitioner 'see' to use it to install in an "other" option, it just flat partitions, with no Volume Manager definitions.

    #3) Eventually, AFAIK, the plans are for the old installer to go away.
    Last edited by MAFoElffen; November 22nd, 2023 at 05:50 PM.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
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  5. #5
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    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift


    thank you for your response.
    1) even if it has advantages, I guess that it might be a little bit slower.
    2) so you could tamper with the volume manager aware scripts and continue manually with the installations. According to this:
    I consider partman and the procedure you are following to be an alternative to gparted, command line oriented vs graphically oriented, in order to setup your installation.
    If you have time, could you please explain the term canned script? I have never heard about it. I searched and found that it can be used in screen sharing and other procedures, yet from the name, I suspect that is a somehow routine script.
    3) as long as it is called legacy, it seems normal for this to happen, so readjusting seems necessary.

    Thank you for your response, hope that soon will be clarified.


  6. #6
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    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift

    @Claus7 --

    RE: On the link given in #2 of Post #5...

    No. that was Ubiquity and partman, and written in 2008, when they were adding more feature to partman.

    This Snap installer app is Flutter installer based is running on top of Subiquity. Partman is not present there any more on the Image. I do not know exactly what it is using... Reviewing installer logs again today.

    "Canned default installer scripts" <-- Not sure what the official name is for them, but the scripts the installer uses for:

    • Erase and install Ubuntu
    • Install Ubuntu alongside (something else)
    • Advanced- Erase all & Install LVM
    • Advanced- Erase all & Install LVM with Encryption
    • Advanced- Experimental Erase all and Install ZFS
    • Advanced- Experimental Hardware backed Encryption
    Last edited by MAFoElffen; November 22nd, 2023 at 10:08 PM.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
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  7. #7
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    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift


    Quote Originally Posted by MAFoElffen View Post

    "Canned default installer scripts" <-- Not sure what the official name is for them, but the scripts the installer uses for:

    • Erase and install Ubuntu
    • Install Ubuntu alongside (something else)
    • Advanced- Erase all & Install LVM
    • Advanced- Erase all & Install LVM with Encryption
    • Advanced- Experimental Erase all and Install ZFS
    • Advanced- Experimental Hardware backed Encryption
    Thanks, crystal clear!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Ubuntu Development Release

    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift

    I found it...

    Buried in the snap image is example autoinstall.yaml scripts for different scenarios...
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ls /snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/1276/bin/subiquity/examples/
    ai-zfs-efi-simple.yaml  prefill-system-setup-complete.yaml
    ai-zfs-efi.yaml         prefill-system-setup-missing-identity.yaml
    ai-zfs-guided.yaml      prefill-system-setup-missing-locale.yaml
    answers                 prefill-system-setup-missing-realname.yaml
    autoinstall             prefill-system-setup-missing-username.yaml
    curtin-events           prefill-system-setup-missing-welcome.yaml
    dry-run-configs         snaps
    lsb-release-focal       sources
    lsb-release-impish      uaclient-status-expired.json
    machines                uaclient-status-valid.json
    postinst.d              umockdev
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ls /snap/ubuntu-desktop-installer/1276/bin/subiquity/examples/autoinstall
    ad.yaml                invalid.yaml            system-setup-no-shutdown.yaml
    apt-legacy.yaml        most-options.yaml       system-setup.yaml
    fallback-offline.yaml  reset-only.yaml         user-data.yaml
    hybrid.yaml            short.yaml
    interactive.yaml       system-setup-full.yaml
    When the Snap first came out, I thought these were just example yaml files, but the installer actually uses them to build the directives for the installer... So, I'm thinking thse can be tweaked to change the outcome of the installs (bigger EFI & Boot partitions).

    The installer uses and interacts with those files to build the autoinstall-user-data file, which it uses as if it is the autoinstall.yaml file
    sudo grep . /var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data
    [sudo] password for mafoelffen: 
        disable_components: []
        fallback: abort
        geoip: true
          - country-mirror
          - arches: &id001
            - amd64
            - i386
          - arches: &id002
            - s390x
            - arm64
            - armhf
            - powerpc
            - ppc64el
            - riscv64
        preserve_sources_list: false
        - arches: *id001
        - arches: *id002
        install: true
        install: true
        hostname: noble-d02
        password: [redacted-filter]
        realname: [redacted-filter]
        username: mafoelffen
        package: linux-generic-hwe-22.04
        layout: us
        toggle: null
        variant: ''
      locale: en_US.UTF-8
            dhcp4: true
        version: 2
        install: auto
        id: ubuntu-desktop
        search_drivers: true
        allow-pw: true
        authorized-keys: []
        install-server: false
        - ptable: gpt
          path: /dev/vda
          wipe: superblock-recursive
          preserve: false
          name: ''
          grub_device: false
          id: disk-vda
          type: disk
        - device: disk-vda
          size: 1127219200
          wipe: superblock
          flag: boot
          number: 1
          preserve: false
          grub_device: true
          offset: 1048576
          path: /dev/vda1
          id: partition-0
          type: partition
        - fstype: fat32
          volume: partition-0
          preserve: false
          id: format-0
          type: format
        - device: disk-vda
          size: 2147483648
          number: 2
          preserve: false
          offset: 1128267776
          path: /dev/vda2
          id: partition-1
          type: partition
        - device: disk-vda
          size: 4454350848
          wipe: superblock
          flag: swap
          number: 3
          preserve: false
          offset: 3275751424
          path: /dev/vda3
          id: partition-2
          type: partition
        - fstype: swap
          volume: partition-2
          preserve: false
          id: format-1
          type: format
        - path: ''
          device: format-1
          id: mount-1
          type: mount
        - device: disk-vda
          size: 19112394752
          number: 4
          preserve: false
          offset: 7730102272
          path: /dev/vda4
          id: partition-3
          type: partition
        - vdevs:
          - partition-1
          pool: bpool
          mountpoint: /boot
            ashift: 12
            autotrim: 'on'
            feature@async_destroy: enabled
            feature@bookmarks: enabled
            feature@embedded_data: enabled
            feature@empty_bpobj: enabled
            feature@enabled_txg: enabled
            feature@extensible_dataset: enabled
            feature@filesystem_limits: enabled
            feature@hole_birth: enabled
            feature@large_blocks: enabled
            feature@lz4_compress: enabled
            feature@spacemap_histogram: enabled
            version: null
            acltype: posixacl
            atime: null
            canmount: 'off'
            compression: lz4
            devices: 'off'
            normalization: formD
            relatime: 'on'
            sync: standard
            xattr: sa
          default_features: false
          id: zpool-0
          type: zpool
        - pool: zpool-0
          volume: BOOT
            canmount: 'off'
            mountpoint: none
          id: zfs-0
          type: zfs
        - vdevs:
          - partition-3
          pool: rpool
          mountpoint: /
            ashift: 12
            autotrim: 'on'
            version: null
            acltype: posixacl
            atime: null
            canmount: 'off'
            compression: lz4
            devices: 'off'
            dnodesize: auto
            normalization: formD
            relatime: 'on'
            sync: standard
            xattr: sa
          default_features: true
          id: zpool-1
          type: zpool
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT
            canmount: 'off'
            mountpoint: none
          id: zfs-2
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t
            canmount: 'on'
            mountpoint: /
          id: zfs-3
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var
            canmount: 'off'
          id: zfs-4
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/lib
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-5
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/lib/AccountsService
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-6
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/lib/apt
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-7
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/lib/dpkg
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-8
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/lib/NetworkManager
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-9
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/srv
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-10
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/usr
            canmount: 'off'
          id: zfs-11
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/usr/local
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-12
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/games
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-13
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/log
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-14
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/mail
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-15
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/snap
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-16
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/spool
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-17
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-1
          volume: ROOT/ubuntu_nshf9t/var/www
            canmount: 'on'
          id: zfs-18
          type: zfs
        - pool: zpool-0
          volume: BOOT/ubuntu_nshf9t
            canmount: 'on'
            mountpoint: /boot
          id: zfs-1
          type: zfs
        - path: /boot/efi
          device: format-0
          id: mount-0
          type: mount
          size: 0
      timezone: America/Los_Angeles
      updates: security
      version: 1
    So playing with that and seeing how and what can be done with that...

    EDIT: Reading through these files, I actually learned that Subiquity got it's name "[S]ubiquity" from "Ubiquity for Servers"...
    Last edited by MAFoElffen; November 23rd, 2023 at 06:37 PM.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Santiago DR

    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift

    I already try for many weeks to install Ubuntu 24.04 in Virtualbox, but the new installer is crap! It freezes at the the user / password form all the time. I tried everything; safe graphics, 3D graphics ON/OFF; VBoxVGA. I tried it on my Ryzen 3 2200G desktop and on my old laptop with an i5-2520M. Maybe in desperation I will clone Ubuntu 23.10 and try a very early system upgrade to 24.04.
    I have installed 4 flavors without any issue in VBox, fortunately they still use the old installer.
    I completely agree with the reorganization of the Ubuntu installer development team. If that has no results in the next fortnight, cancel the whole project and go back to the proven installer still used by the flavors.
    Last edited by lammert-nijhof; November 25th, 2023 at 03:34 AM.

  10. #10
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    Re: ubuntu-desktop-installer Staffing shift

    @lammert-nijhof --

    Keep an eye on this thread:

    Everyone has been pretty good on updating it with which dailys are working or not, with which bugs noticed on each.

    Also check the ISO tracker, where we log the daily ISO QA tests: <-- quiverc is really on top of tracking that.

    I do daily, then have other that were debian-upgraded (via sources.list) from Mantic, that I keep around to track daily updates to them.

    "Concurrent coexistence of Windows, Linux and UNIX..." || Ubuntu user # 33563, Linux user # 533637
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