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Thread: Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

    I mean, today linux kernel is impossible to upgrade anymore since tech is moving so fast.
    should have we make linux for end-user (ubuntu/mint) easier to use instead more advanced.
    thing i notice when use of linux.

    - lack of multi process
    - too many unused memory
    - detect multi-function USB device (eg. modem and sd card reader in one device)
    - lack of easier use of network manager (less click to configure network)
    - too many Terminal use for doing simple task (eg. installing apps, configure APT)
    - need more easier way to install driver
    - rollback capability (save state)
    - make offline install for software easier.
    - old code of user interface with modern skin.
    - and most important is the compatibility of software at least 2 version backward.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Thumbs down Re: Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

    That's not how it works.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus

    Re: Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Janemba_Bananamba View Post
    should have we make linux for end-user (ubuntu/mint) easier to use instead more advanced.
    Last edited by lysander6662; March 13th, 2017 at 02:56 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Land of fire and drought

    Re: Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

    Quote Originally Posted by lysander6662 View Post
    Ha. I like that.

    Oh, and @Janemba_Bananamba: no point addressing anything to devs here and not sure why anyone here would know why or why not they do anything. Better to ask them directly. None of us here are Ubuntu devs or employed by Canonical, including staff here. We are all volunteers just like you. No 'major' dev will ever read your post where it is. They don't visit.
    Last edited by Bucky Ball; March 13th, 2017 at 02:10 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

    Ah, this week's drive-by list of i-know-better-because-i-dont-contribute.

    @Janemba_Bananamba: There is nothing preventing you from implementing most of those features, and contributing them to the community. There is also nothing preventing you from trying to convince us to help you. Go right ahead, step up to the podium, and tell us why we should volunteer our time and effort to follow your vision.

    You are, of course, quite welcome to take your petition to the Central Linux Design Authority...if there were such...and get your ideas added to the Official Linux Future Roadmap...if there were one.
    Last edited by ian-weisser; March 13th, 2017 at 03:04 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Kubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Re: Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

    - lack of multi process - not sure i understand. what multi process?
    - too many unused memory - huh?! install and run services that need more RAM (e.g. VMs) or reduce your RAM if you feel llike you have too much of it.
    - detect multi-function USB device (eg. modem and sd card reader in one device) - it already does, when it doesn't it is the manufacturer issue for them not providing the drivers or opening up documentation, so someone can create the drivers.
    - lack of easier use of network manager (less click to configure network) - ?!?! have it all on auto, plug it in and it works.
    - too many Terminal use for doing simple task (eg. installing apps, configure APT) - all mentioned tasks can be done in GUI.
    - need more easier way to install driver - manufacturer's issue. if they provided propper documentation driver would be built in kernel. with no documentation they shoul dhave binaries available (e.g. .deb file). otherwise what is a simpler way than running additional drivers app, sleecting the driver and clicking install?
    - rollback capability (save state) - already available through multiple apps. besides that there is BTRFS file system with this functionality (default on Opensuse) and ZFS for linux with similar functionality present.
    - make offline install for software easier. - done, have a look at snaps, debs, binary packages, install scripts and finally, source code install.
    - old code of user interface with modern skin. - not sure i understand. all old code is still available and can beused or further developed for anyone that want's to. e.g. KDE3 evolved into trisquel or something liek that. Gnome2 evolved into Mate etc.
    - and most important is the compatibility of software at least 2 version backward. - snaps are the solution. but then again why would you want to run unpatched software?

    so to help you - out of 10:
    1 issue i really do not understand.
    2 issues only the hardware manufacturers can resolve.
    7 already have a solution available or are not really an issue.

    In short doubt Ubuntu or Linux devs can do anything here even if they read the suggestions/issues.

    this part i also do not understand:

    I mean, today linux kernel is impossible to upgrade anymore since tech is moving so fast.
    Kernel is developing rapidly and get's constant upgrades, rewrites etc. for more info check
    Read the easy to understand, lots of pics Ubuntu manual.
    Do i need antivirus/firewall in linux?
    Full disk backup (newer kernel -> suitable for newer PC): Clonezilla
    User friendly full disk backup: Rescuezilla

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat

    Re: Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

    Thread moved to Recurring Discussions.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Left Coast of the USA

    Re: Why don't major dev re-write Linux for end-user from Scratch ?

    Since nobody here is on the Official Linux Roadmap Design and Fixing Everything So Every Individual With An Opinion Is Satisfied Team, I see no reason for anyone to waste their valuable time with this thread.

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    A thing discovered and kept to oneself must be discovered time and again by others. A thing discovered and shared with others need be discovered only the once.
    This universe is crazy. I'm going back to my own.


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