Using another computer to create the install media, does it matter if said computer boots with BIOS or UEFI? Oldfred lives in another time zone, so I'll try to reply: No, I think most (if not all) tools to create install media will create systems that are independent of the host system's boot mode. I can explain an easy case: If you use mkusb and create a live-only install pendrive, it will clone the iso file, each byte will be copied as it is from the iso file to the pendrive, and that process is completely independent of the host system's boot mode (UEFI or BIOS).
In that case, sudodus, I give up. stupid windows, not worth my time. I should have told the one who bought the computer to just buy a generic one instead of branded pre-installed windows machine, and if windows is really needed, then just buy a retail dvd.
oldfred will probably give you some new ideas to try, so don't give up yet
Looks like I made a mistake. The sticker on the side of the desktop says windows 8.1 SL. Not 8.1 only. My bad. I'll try again, it's most likely a 64 bit, correct?
SL seems to mean Single Language. A Lenovo H530 is most likely delivered with a 64 bit version of Windows, so yes.
Except some of the mini systems with Atom processors that used 32 bit UEFI on 64 bit system, almost all Windows 8 systems are 64 bit. And they all use UEFI with secure boot turned on, but allow users to turn secure boot off. Ubuntu can be installed with secure boot on, but grub will not boot Windows with it on from grub menu, you have to choose from UEFI boot menu or one time boot key like f10 or f12, but varies by brand of system. Product key does not match sounds like the product stored in the UEFI is not correct for the version you are installing. You need either to reinstall the vendor's version, or may even have to purchase another license. This says it is a more generic recovery version, but you should always do a full image backup of Windows, even if you do not think you want it. And I have no idea if this may work with a single language version. Microsoft Windows 8.1 reinstall/refresh
UEFI boot install & repair info - Regularly Updated : Intro to Discourse:
Finally success. The pre-installed windows was indeed windows 8.1 single language (SL) 64-bit. So now I have a branded Lenovo desktop computer with a dual boot system, Lubuntu and windows 8.1 SL. For people who might read this in the future, I'd like to repeat that I installed lubuntu 64-bit first before the windows os, BECAUSE the pre-installed windows was corrupted, so I decided to wipe the entire drive--as in deleting every partition and created several partitions using gparted. I then installed lubuntu, then windows. Then, as expected, I was able to boot windows, but not lubuntu. oldfred, fortunately I didn't have to follow the instructions in your links in order to boot both operating systems. All I had to do was boot the lubuntu live usb and typed: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair ...then I was able to boot both operating systems. I'll mark this thread as solved. Thanks a lot guys, appreciate it!
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