hello, i'm from indonesia, sorry for my bad english. i found some bugs in NComputing L230 running on Ubuntu 8.10. This's my bugs : 1. if nc-host/nc-server given DNS that invalid/wrong, then L230 devices will show blank gray screen/ 2. if nc-host/nc-server given Gateway that invalid, then nc-host/nc-server conflict when loading at shutdown/restart 3. if nc-host/nc-server not given any gateway, it won't show L230 devices in nc-console (vSpace) anybody had a same problem in Ubuntu 8.10 / Ubuntu 10.04? [indonesia] 1. kalo nchost / server dikasih DNS yang engga valid (ngawur), maka L230 devices akan menampilkan layar kosong yang berwarna abu-abu 2. kalo nchost / server dikasih Gateway yg engga valid (ngawur), maka nchost akan mengalami konflik disaat shutdown/restart (pada saat loading ubuntupas mau shutdown) 3. kalo nchost/server engga dikasih gateway, nc-console (vspace) ga mau nampilin L230 devices yg konek ke jaringan ada yang ngalamin sama kyk saya? ada solusinya? ini terjadi di Ubuntu 8.10 dan Ubuntu 10.04 best regards, tito
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