Just to report too. I've been annoyed by this problem for many months so finally I gave up and did some digging.
Thanks to the following command (executed when the problem shows up):
sudo lsof <path_to_NTFS_mount>
I easily found that the 100% CPU load is created by the updatedb.mlocate script run by cron once per day to update the locate database (man updatedb for more info).
For some reason, updatedb.mlocate thinks that all directories on the NTFS partition have been changed and performs a full rescan of the partition which creates high CPU load due to the limitation of the free version of the ntfs-3g driver used in Ubuntu (this limitation is well known and described somewhere else).
A possible workaround is to append the path to the NTFS mount point to the PRUNEPATHS variable in /etc/updatedb.conf to exclude this mount point from the process of updating the locate database.
The fact that updatedb.mlocale thinks all directories on an NTFS partition are always new is probably related to the way how inodes are represented by ntfs-3g. It's just a guess -- I haven't looked into details; if someone does and has a solution preventing full rescanning on each run, I would like to hear it here as this would be a more correct solution than excluding the whole mount point from updating.