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Thread: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    To whom it may concern,

    I am soo done with GNU/Linux regarding the desktop. After all these years, we still >STILL< do not >NOT< have a reliable, competent working system.

    The break comes from libreoffice 5's deleting the files off my disk, that I was working on, when it crashed, again. I lost a very expensive spreedsheet that had a deadline, that I did not meet. That's enough. I cannot afford to use this "stuff" any more.

    This has never — ever — happened to me before, not even on M$. That a program crash is designed and implemented in such a way that it would delete a file off of disk in a crash scenario is too incompetent to believe. And that is the story in this world of GNU/Linux.

    GNU/Liunx does not have even the basics for a professional/enterprise grade desktop/workstation. It is wrong at this point for me to recommend it to my customers, and I am in the business of recommending GNU/Linux to my customers. Kind makes it pointless to exist at this point, except I prefer to exist. I just have to accept the experience based fact that this "stuff" is/would be harmful to my customers.

    So I an't going to do that.

    I am loyal to competence, not ideology. **** ideology. Incompetence — willful incompetence is evil. I prefer virtue. (Willful competence.)

    My time with these systems pre-dates M$, (my first encounter with M$ was with their BASIC product), Linux, and lots in between. My first computer was an SWTP 6800, just to give you an idea of how long I've been here.

    So that's it. I am building a business, and will not afford "stuff" that does not work. For myself, and especially for my customers.

    When I get back, if I get back, it'll be MY GNU/Linux stack, exclusive of this subverted GNU/Linux community that tries to be too many things to people not involved with GNU/Linux, (M$ support) while failing to EVEN establish credible products of their own.

    For want of office tools that actually work, I'm leaving.

    David Weeks
    Information Developer
    Tech Taskers, LLC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2-david-q View Post
    To whom it may concern,
    Well David, it doesn't really concern me but perhaps it is unfortunate that you had such a poor experience with Linux.

    I'm an old guy too, was a senior field engineer repairing mainframes for a large computer company when the first PCs came out not too long after you built your kit computer. So likely my experience is equivalent to yours or possibly even trumps it. I started with Linux back in the days when, when you asked for help, if you hadn't read the man pages and didn't have an intelligent question, you were told to RTFM and given no further help until you did have an intelligent question. Things are much more friendly here in the Ubuntu forums. But I notice you haven't actually asked for help on anything, just came to trash talk about the FOSS community.

    No problem, we mostly think you are free to make whatever choices you want to. Personally, I haven't had problems like you detail. Didn't you have a backup copy of that mission critical and "expensive" spreadsheet?

    If you decide to "come back" or not isn't going to matter much to us here, or affect us financially. I'd suggest you consider your audience. If you do come back maybe someone can help you when you have problems.

    Goodbye and good luck.
    Last edited by QLee; March 31st, 2016 at 03:14 PM. Reason: left the e off of goodbye

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    Funny because I had a similar experience with Windows 10 and Office 365! You see, I thought I needed Windows and MS Office to do my work for college. It turned out that there was no problems using Linux and LibreOffice 5.

    Years ago I did start out on Windows, DOS 6.2 I believe. I fully switched to Linux with a very early version of Simply Mepis that was in a library book! To make a long story short, all software has bugs and flaws, even processors have been found to have flaws that can crash the system. I can understand frustration but you would never have lost your important document if you had backed it up.

    I keep a USB stick plugged in when I am working on something important and I save to it fairly often while I am working. We are not immune to crashes in Linux, Windows or the Mac OS. The same goes for office suites. The bottom line is if you can not afford to loose it you had sure better back it up! We all seem to learn this the hard way, myself included.

    Calm down and relax a while, then evaluate things with a clear head.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    The main thing is to use what works for you.

    Take care.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    I'm glad that after only 4 posts on the Forums, which were all about a specific application, you have so quickly come to the conclusion that that the Linux desktop is such a terrible disaster.

    It is important that you should tell so many people here who are using Linux desktops that Linux on the desktop is so very bad. Otherwise they might not know that they are having so many problems and such a bad experience with it.

    Last edited by QIII; March 31st, 2016 at 04:14 PM.
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    A thing discovered and kept to oneself must be discovered time and again by others. A thing discovered and shared with others need be discovered only the once.
    This universe is crazy. I'm going back to my own.

  7. #7
    PaulW2U is offline I Ubuntu, Therefore, I Am
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    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2-david-q View Post
    I am soo done with GNU/Linux regarding the desktop. After all these years, we still >STILL< do not >NOT< have a reliable, competent working system.
    I've been here six years running Ubuntu or one of its various flavours. Apart from a few problems a few years ago relating to wifi and audio I've been able to do everything I want to with Linux, specifically Ubuntu.

    I now use nothing else. But if its not working for you then I think you're in the minority here. Yes, it's time to move on which is exactly what I did when I tried FreeBSD and wished that I hadn't wasted so much of my time. I'm sure that my problems were hardware specific though.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    Seems like many people leave their OS -- doesn't really make much difference which one -- when some single disaster pushes them over the edge. Changing platform isn't easy and it isn't risk free.

    Of course, a lot of Windows users probably think their only alternative is Apple.

  9. #9
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    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    Quote Originally Posted by buzzingrobot View Post
    Seems like many people leave their OS -- doesn't really make much difference which one -- when some single disaster pushes them over the edge. Changing platform isn't easy and it isn't risk free.
    +1 It is the old greener pasture's scenario...but I found out very early in life that no mater where i go there "I"am

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Time to say good bye. This stuff still does not work.

    Quote Originally Posted by runrickus View Post
    +1 It is the old greener pasture's scenario...but I found out very early in life that no mater where i go there "I"am
    You know my friend, that is a lesson I am afraid many people, if not most of the people I know, either never seem to really appreciate or that the realization comes to them only in latter life after, trying this and that with the same results. I am impressed in that you figured that out, "very early in life". Seriously, no kidding. I know a lot of people professionally who, never seem to grasp this.

    And ... I like the way you said that, "no matter where I go, there I am". Makes me smile again, to even type it now.

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