Good to know. Perhaps it's off-topic, but what does Ubuntu do to market itself without a marketing team?
Type: Posts; User: Ms. Daisy; Keyword(s):
Good to know. Perhaps it's off-topic, but what does Ubuntu do to market itself without a marketing team?
I wonder if the Ubuntu Marketing Team would have any information about who the target audience for Ubuntu is, and where they are highly concentrated. I sent them an email inquiring.
Perfect! :KS
psst... cprofitt is part of the LoCo New York team ;)
Think about it this way- the LoCo teams exist in many many communities already, and they consist of dedicated Ubuntu enthusiasts. I'm sure you'll find some willing folks outside of the LoCos but IMHO...
josephmills, have you seen the New York State Ubuntu Local Community Team wiki? It says they need a Marketing Lead & Event Coordinator.
I just nominated you!
First of all- W.O.W. josephmills you have done an amazing amount of volunteer work.:shock: Your business plan is obviously pretty firm, so my input would be pedestrian!
My thoughts are kind of...
Interesting. I have a few ideas on the front end, planning type stuff.
I've read your personal wiki a while back, Josephmills, and it's clear to me that you're serious about this. I applaud your...