Hi there I've been having some problems with Steam.

I insalled steam using this website: http://www.fsckin.com/2007/10/15/how...tu-using-wine/

But I'm doing it a little different then he says. I never bought a hard copy of the Orenge box. I bought it right off of steam, while on my windows side. I want to just re-download it again to my linux side. When I click on the install buton in Steam to download I get:

Steam.exe (main exseption) Win32 StructuredExspetion at 7B967C65
Attempt to read from virtual address 0 without appropriate access rights
so what should I do to fix this?

Also do you think I could just drag my steam files from my windows side to my fake c:/ on my linux? Would that work?

Thank you all!!