I’m running an Ubuntu 14.04 LTSP server on a VMware virtual machine with 4GB of Ram & a 20GB of hard drive. My thin client is another VMware virtual machine with no hard drive & 512 MB of RAM.
I assumed that LTSP virtualization meant that all of the memory & processing power my thin client needed to run applications & the Ubuntu OS would be done on the server is that correct?

After I start up the thin client & run applications like Firefox, Thunderbird, Open Office suite, I then go back to the server and type free –m in to the terminal and there isn’t much of an increase in memory being used to run the thin client.

But when I type free –m in to the terminal window on the thin client all of the 512MB of memory is being used & it’s running pretty slowly.

Have I completely misunderstood how LTSP works or have I made a mistake somewhere & that my thin client shouldn’t be using that much memory.