After a running a bugged update to Wemin 1.560, I was left with the following notification:-

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  apache2-suexec-custom pwgen bind9 sasl2-bin db4.8-util irb1.8 libapache2-svn re2c webmin-virtual-server bind9utils webmin-virtualmin-awstats libmail-spf-perl awstats dovecot-imapd manpages-dev
  libhtml-template-perl libdbd-pg-perl libc-dev-bin libsocket6-perl mysql-server-5.1 rdoc libnet-xwhois-perl ri liberror-perl libnetaddr-ip-perl subversion postgresql-client-8.4 linux-libc-dev spamassassin
  gcc-4.4 libapache2-mod-fcgid procmail libsvn1 clamav-testfiles spamc mysql-server-core-5.1 dovecot-pop3d php-pear webmin-virtualmin-mailman webmin-virtualmin-htpasswd gcc mailman scponly
  webmin-security-updates libpg-perl mysql-server irb clamav-docs libnet-ip-perl openbsd-inetd libio-socket-inet6-perl libnet-dns-perl postgresql rdoc1.8 procmail-wrapper webalizer ssh
  webmin-virtual-server-theme webmin-virtualmin-dav proftpd-basic postgresql-client-common libc6-dev apache2-doc libdb4.7 libpq5 usermin-virtual-server-theme libdigest-hmac-perl binutils openssh-server
  libreadline-ruby1.8 libreadline5 postgresql-common dovecot-common postgresql-8.4 webmin-virtualmin-svn libsys-hostname-long-perl libneon27-gnutls ri1.8 libdigest-sha1-perl
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
They are required and I definitely don't want to remove them - is there any way to get rid of the notification?

Thanks for any info.