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Thread: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Ubuntu Karmic Koala (testing)

    Wink Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    I just discovered this feature by accident in Jaunty. I didn't have to install anything.
    My laptop is HP Compaq 6720s (has Synaptics) and has the virtual scroll on the right which I've always used, but I kinda like 2 finger scrolling.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    the space between spaces.

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    Here is my mini-tutorial on two-finger scrolling for those that do not have it. I will assume you are using Jaunty for this, this would be slightly different for Intrepid and much different for Hardy.

    This is a quick 5-minute guide and is by no means extensive. This particular guide for Jaunty will modify a single HAL settings file to pass options to X in order for the two finger scrolling to work.

    Step One: Determine Your Brand of Trackpad

    Start out by opening and terminal and executing the following:
    synclient -m 10
    That will show console output of your trackpad's input, something like this:
     time     x    y   z f  w  l r u d m     multi  gl gm gr gdx gdy
      44.059   430  416  64 1  0  0 0 0 0 0  00000000   0  0  0   0   0
    which will constantly scroll so long as you are touching the trackpad. Start by focusing on the f and the z axes. Touch one finger to the trackpad. The f axis should jump to one while you are touching the trackpad with one finger, and the z axis will rise. Note the ballpark for z, you may or may not need it later. Now take your finger off and touch two fingers. This is where we determine your brand of trackpad. One of two things will happen: Either the f value will be 2, which means you are using a Synaptics trackpad which fully supports multitouch. Skip to step 2A. If f doesn't change to 2, you most likely have an Alps trackpad. Have a look at axis z. Between one and two fingers, this axis should dramatically increase when two fingers are placed on the trackpad. This is a pressure value that we will use to simulate two fingers. Take note of the ballpark two fingers gives you, we need to know at what pressure to emulate two fingers. Do not make it impossibly high, nor so low that it constantly triggers scrolling. I will be using 100, as that is an acceptable value for me, a friend of mine has a laptop where 85 is enough to trigger it. Head to step 2B for setting up two finger scrolling.


    Step 2A: Synaptics

    For those of you with a Synaptics trackpad, open a terminal and execute the following:
    cd /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/
    sudo cp 11-x11-synaptics.fdi 11-x11-synaptics.fdi.bak
    gksudo gedit 11-x11-synaptics.fdi
    The second command was simply to back up your trackpad config incase something goes awry.
    In the newly opened gedit window, you will see quite a short document. Find the line
    <merge key="input.x11_driver" type="string">synaptics</merge>
    and underneath it, paste in:
    <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">On</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.VertTwoFingerScroll" type="string">1</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.HorizTwoFingerScroll" type="string">1</merge>
    and then save and close. Simply reboot, and you should be happily scrolling with two fingers.

    Step 2B: Alps
    This step is the same as above with a single except that where I ask you to paste in
    <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">On</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.VertTwoFingerScroll" type="string">1</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.HorizTwoFingerScroll" type="string">1</merge>
    , I need you to paste in an extra line with it:
    <merge key="input.x11_options.SHMConfig" type="string">On</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.EmulateTwoFingerMinZ" type="string">100</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.VertTwoFingerScroll" type="string">1</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.HorizTwoFingerScroll" type="string">1</merge>
    Simply follow step 2A with this block instead, however where you see '100' in the new line, change that value to the z axis value for two fingers that we found in step one.


    Any X11 option for the trackpad can be passed through here, in the form of
    <merge key="input.x11_options.OptionName" type="string">Value</merge>
    So feel free to mess around with the options if you need extra options for you trackpad such as speed and all.

    Cheers, hope this was useful.
    "If a cluttered desk signs a cluttered mind, Of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?" -Albert Einstein.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    Thanks damis648! Your guide worked like a charm.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    It didn't work for me. Instead of the 2-finger scroll, any touch was a scroll. I'll just stick w/ the virtual scroll on the side of the keypad.

    Thanks though.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Exeter, UK
    Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    Quote Originally Posted by austin512 View Post
    after i installed gsynaptics, i followed the directions here to enable shmconfig, and then scrolling worked fine
    thanks for that you have saved me from going crazy. i love touchpad tapping to click, but it was so damned sensitive it was unusable. cheers!!!

    edit: yeah the extra 8 in my username is a direct result of that lol.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    Last edited by myq; May 17th, 2009 at 07:30 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    I just settled on VirtualScroll for mine. It works well both axes.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    Hi, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty), not from a fresh install, but by upgrading one version at a time from 7.10. I enabled SHMConfig, then followed damis648's instructions exactly. I have an Alps touchpad, and I set the MinZ to 85. I restarted, but it's not working.

    I've checked that I'm definitely meeting the MinZ using synclient. Help would be greatly appreciated. Any suggestions?

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    Quote Originally Posted by myq View Post
    Hi, I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty), not from a fresh install, but by upgrading one version at a time from 7.10. I enabled SHMConfig, then followed damis648's instructions exactly. I have an Alps touchpad, and I set the MinZ to 85. I restarted, but it's not working.

    I've checked that I'm definitely meeting the MinZ using synclient. Help would be greatly appreciated. Any suggestions?

    It just works for me. I neither have configuration in xorg.conf, or 11-x11.synpatics.fdi Dunno how, but I'm happy

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Two finger scroll on touchpad in Jaunty

    Quote Originally Posted by gombihu View Post
    It just works for me. I neither have configuration in xorg.conf, or 11-x11.synpatics.fdi Dunno how, but I'm happy
    And the "best" thing: It doesn't work on my brand new Asus laptop, but it works on my old T42...

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